Lord, Add!
Acts 2:46-47: “And day by day, continuing steadfastly with one accord in the temple and breaking bread from house to house, they partook of their food with exultation and simplicity of heart, praising God and having grace with all the people. And the Lord added together day by day those who were being saved.” Lord, draw us more into a steadfast, day by day, house to house church life full of one accord, eating together, exultation, simplicity, and praising, so that You may add those who are being saved!
Virgil Middle School Report
Thank you saints for your prayers for the gospel meeting at Virgil Middle School Thursday, May 7. This year the club has averaged 8 members weekly. On gospel Thursday there were 17 present, 6 of whom were new ones invited by the students. One faculty member also attended. After snacks, introductions, and singing the young students shared the mystery of human life to their friends using the white board to draw the body, soul and spirit and a wire diagram showing Christ’s redemption for God’s dispensing. At the end one student led the whole group to receive the Lord by repeating her prayer. Please pray that the seed of life will begin to grow in many of these young people and that they will be added in a solid way to the Virgil Middle School Bible Club.
Santa Monica
Continue to pray for an English-speaking nucleus to be established in Santa Monica.
Australia and New Zealand
James Lee is with the church in Canberra Monday and returns to the U.S. Tuesday. Dick remains in Australia. The first part of this week he is in Melbourne. On Wednesday he travels to New Zealand to be with the Full Time Training and for a weekend conference. He will return to Sydney next week and then come home.
Pray that the word of the Lord may run and be glorified (2 Thes. 3:1) throughout Australia, that all the saints there may experience more perfecting into oneness in the Triune God, and that the traveling brothers be fully supplied in all three parts of their being.
Pray for a good continuation of the church life and for increase among native Italians.
Acts 10:9, “Peter went up on the housetop to pray.” A photo is below shows last Friday evening’s prayer meeting in Rome, held on the roof of the hotel that hosted the weekend conference..
Thessaloniki, Greece
We are full of thanksgiving for your prayers concerning our recent visit to Thessaloniki. The Lord cherished all the contacts whom we were able to meet during our time there. They were eager to have fellowship and desire us to visit again. We are beginning to develop personal, regular times of prayer and fellowship over the phone with some of them. We ask you to continue in prayer for them and for the release of a residence permit for the co-workers who are serving in Athens.
Greece and Egypt
Out of last weekend’s elections, pray for governments to be established that are best for the Lord’s move in these nations.
Recovery Version Distribution in United Kingdom
The Olympic torch relay continues until July 27. From July 27 to August 12, saints will distribute free materials to people attending the Olympic Games from some 200 participating countries. More information is at http://distribute.biblesforeurope.org. Please ask the Lord to:
- open hearts and minds of many people to receive and enjoy the free materials.
- supply the workers, funds, and materials through His Body so that the Word of God could be spread throughout the United Kingdom, Europe, and the world.
- give the laborers a wonderful time of blending and building up.
- Morning revival: week 5 of The Focus of the Lord’s Recovery (Thanksgiving conference).
- We are invited to pray for, and if the Lord leads, to participate in two Bibles for Canada gospel sowing trips in late July and early August. Those who have conversational ability in French are greatly needed but those who only speak English are welcome too. Details are at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/.
- The fall conference in Israel will be November 15-17. Pre- and post-conference tours are available. Registration deadline is October 15. Information is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/.