Our Direction
Our direction is to enter more into the reality of the Body of Christ for the full expression of the Triune God. Lord, for this goal, work Yourself into us to make us the same as You in life and nature (but not in the Godhead) that we may have a corporate, Christ-magnifying, God-man living to hasten Your return. (from Memorial Day conference, message 6)
A Balanced Christian Life
The Lord calls us to come to Him, but after we come, He tells us to go to the nations. However, some Christians learn how to come to the Lord all the time, but they forget to go. Of course, other Christians today are going Christians, but I am afraid that they do not come enough to the Lord. Therefore, we must be balanced. The coming and going Christians are sound, normal Christians. On the one hand, we need to learn how to come to the Lord all the time, day by day; then on the other hand, we need to learn how to go. We come into the Holy of Holies, and we go outside the camp, to others, to the nations. If we have the intention and sincere desire to practice the church life, we must be brothers and sisters who come to the Lord day by day and go to others all the time. (WL, Basic Principles for the Service in the Church Life, ch. 5)
Summer Training Registration
The final date for our summer training registration is Lord’s Day, June 10th. For the video simulcast or delayed DVD video trainings, the donation is $80 per seat. For the live training in Anaheim, there is a $50 late fee, so the donation is now $205 per seat. To register, please contact responsible brothers in your district or call Mike Kruidhof at 310-824-4442.
Summer School of Truth
From July 16 through July 29 the church in L.A. will have the Summer School of the Truth. As always, we are burdened to help all the saints into an experiential realization of the truth, not merely a doctrinal understanding. It is not a small thing to learn to pay the price in this age to gain the oil in our vessels for the next age (Matt. 25). Please pray for this time. Please pray that many young people, college age, parents, serving ones, and anyone burdened to know the truth concerning the church would sign up by June 17. Please send an email to Walter Baumwoll, wkbaumwoll@gmail.com if you do not yet have the link to online registration.
Virgil Middle School Bible Club
The Virgil Middle School Bible Club (in central L.A.) has been covering the Mystery of Human Life key by key for the past few months. This Thursday the members of the club will share the Mystery of Human Life to their friends. Please pray:
- for the Bible club members as they prepare to present the Mystery of Human Life;
- that many of their friends would come to this time;
- that the Lord would open the hearts of their friends, including the hearts of those remaining at Virgil in the fall for a good continuation of the club next school year.
Dick Taylor, James Lee, and Craig Birchler left Lord’s Day evening for Australia. They will be at conferences; a training for serving saints; visit many churches; and fellowship with leading brothers, campus teams, couples, and individuals. Dick will also go to New Zealand for time at the FTT there. Please pray for the Lord to strengthen these brothers in their travels and to flow richly through them for the Lord’s further advance in Australia and New Zealand.
Antelope Valley
Over 40 who live in Antelope Valley (Palmdale, Lancaster, plus smaller places) meet with or have contact with churches in L.A., Santa Clarita, or Victorville. Some have met with us over 20 years, others were saved in the past year. Lord, strengthen those who are visiting and shepherding them, knit them together, and raise up the church in Palmdale.
Recovery Version Distribution in United Kingdom
The 2012 Olympic Games in London commence 27 July. The Olympic Torch Relay is in its 70-day journey through the UK. Saints throughout the United Kingdom are going out to distribute the NT Recovery Version and literature. Please pray for the distribution to reach many people who have been prepared for this time.
A distribution map and schedule are at http://distribute.biblesforeurope.org/summer-2012-distribution; links to reports about the distribution are at the right side of this web page. Distribution information and a map (but not reports) are also at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/.
In recent weeks three native French young adults have been baptized. A report is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/. Rejoice! and pray for the continued spread of the gospel in France.
A letter at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/ describes the need of a meeting place in Armenia, the property they have located, and their current financial situation. Please pray for release of the needed finances and the acquisition of the property. You may give for this need to Lord’s Move to Europe or to the church in L.A.; in either case designate the gift for Armenia.
- Morning revival: week 3, days 4 to 6 of The Focus of the Lord’s Recovery (Thanksgiving conference).
- We are invited to pray for, and if the Lord leads, to participate in two Bibles for Canada gospel sowing trips in late July and early August. Those who have conversational ability in French are greatly needed but those who only speak English are welcome too. Details are at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/. If you are interested, read the information and register as soon as possible.
- The annual international blending conference in Dublin, Ireland will be August 25-26. Register by August 13. Information and registration is available at http://www.amanatrust.org.uk/events/eventdetails.php?eventid=355.