The International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones (ITERO) will be Friday to Lord’s Day, March 30 to April 1. More than 1000 brothers from around the globe will participate so that the Spirit can speaking to the churches. In April ITERO messages will be respoken in other parts of the world for those who could not come to Anaheim. The burden for this time is that the Lord will make many brothers able ministers of the New Testament, effective building material for the universal building up of the Body of Christ, and good stewards and serving ones in the local churches.
“Fellowship unto the Furtherance of the Gospel” (Phil. 1:5)
In preaching the gospel, we have to learn the Body life. If we are burdened for a neighbor, we will ask some brothers to help us bring this neighbor to the Lord….We will work not just by ourselves, but we will invite the brothers to work together with us in a way of coordination. I say again, if we have the spirit of the Body life, people will sense it. If we have love among us, people around us will sense what we have, and that love and living will be a very strong factor to convince the unbelievers–our neighbors and friends–to open their spirits to the Lord. We need the Body life, and the best way to be built up together is for us to have the fellowship unto the furtherance of the gospel. (from Preaching the Gospel in the Way of Life, by Witness Lee, ch. 8; it is available online; select the book in the alphabetical list, then select the chapter in the upper right)
Santa Monica
The church in L.A. has an on-going work at Santa Monica College, several saints from L.A. work in Santa Monica, and a few who live in Santa Monica meet in hall 5. Three groups of Spanish-speaking saints also meet in Santa Monica. Lord, raise up an English-speaking nucleus to continue the church life in Santa Monica with the Spanish-speakers who are there.
High School
Please pray the Lord bring all the high school young people YP into the reality of the experiences of Isaac and knowing the God of Isaac as the God of provision for His purpose to produce them as burnt offerings who are prepared to be His bride for His satisfaction.
CSUN Spring Break Trips
The CSUN students will participate in two spring break trips next week. Some will attend the FTTA for a few days. At the end of the week, they will visit the saints in Riverside for blending and would like to invite some of their new contacts. Please pray that the students have a good experience and taste of the FTTA and that many new ones can join them for the weekend trip to Riverside.
UCLA (Hall 5) Spring Break Trips
UCLA students are in the midst of spring break trips. Twenty-six are in Florida and 24 are visiting Washington D.C., Philadelphia, and Virginia. Please pray that:
- The Lord will cover and supply all the saints on these trips.
- There would be a sweet blending and building among the students and with the saints visited.
- The new ones see the vision of the Body of Christ and taste the sweet church life.
European College-age Conference
The spring European college-age conference will be March 30 – April 2 in Wales. The subject is The Full Ministry of Christ in Three Stages.
Vienna, Austria
Please continue to pray that the Lord will bless the home meeting in the house of the sister and will gain the new ones and their contacts, for the raising up of a lampstand in this key European city.
Some saints are laboring to translate ministry books into Bulgarian for free distribution. Please pray:
- For grace to the translators to complete the translation in a timely way;
- For the preparation of the seeking ones in Bulgaria to receive the rich truths of God’s economy;
- That some of the Lord’s seekers will be gained by Him to be His testimony in Bulgaria.
Conference in Italy and First Lord’s Table in Rome
We warmly extend an invitation to all the saints to participate in the upcoming weekend conference and first Lord’s Table in Rome, Italy on June 15th through 17th. We thank the Lord for the prayers of so many saints and churches throughout the earth. Now, we invite you to consider coming to blend with us that together, as one Body, we might testify of the victory of Christ by taking the ground as the church in Rome. Detailed information and registration for the conference is at The due date is May 15th. Please contact us at if you have any questions about the conference. We pray the Lord will bless this gathering for His further move in Italy, Europe, and the whole earth.
- The deadline to register for the July 2-7 summer training in Anaheim is April 24.
- Morning revival: Psalms, week 20. After Psalms, week 24, we will use The Focus of the Lord’s Recovery (Thanksgiving conference).
- Five to 10 minute video highlights of the Psalms are posted about once a week at
- The Memorial Day Conference will be Friday night, May 25 through Monday noon, May 28, in Bellevue, Washington. Information is posted at If you will take children, register them with your district by April 27.
- An invitation to the spring conference in Israel is at Registration deadline is April 1.
- There will be a time for saints in the Lord’s recovery to go to Israel for a summer tour and blending meetings with the saints. The tour begins July 15; it is in summer particularly so that college students, trainees, campus workers, and high school students could attend. Registration deadline is May 1 unless all spaces are filled earlier. Information is posted at