Memorial Day Conference
The Memorial Day Conference will be Friday night, May 25 through Monday noon, May 28, in Bellevue, Washington. Lord, prepare the way for Your speaking in this conference.
List, Pray, Visit
For Christ’s increase, we should write a list of people for whom we are burdened, people we want to meet the Lord. Then we should pray for them, preferably with a companion. We should continue to pray; some will respond quickly, some will take a long time. Then we should go to visit them, to present a little of Christ to them. Lord, gain 300 more infants in Los Angeles with praise in their mouths!
All who have been saved have a responsibility to speak the truths in the Bible to their relatives and friends. This is not merely to persuade them to believe in God, but to clearly present to them the treasures in the Bible. We all have to learn to speak God’s word but not to argue, because the more we argue, the more people will be annoyed and will not listen to us. All we need to do is to present the truth to people. Moreover, do not expect to do a quick job, thinking that once you preach the gospel, your parents will be saved right away just like those who were saved on the day of Pentecost. Even if there is this kind of situation, it will not happen too frequently. We need to speak to them continually, little by little, just like water flowing out in a trickle. This week you speak a little, and then next week you again speak a little. In this way, little by little over an extended period of time, your people will be impressed and eventually will be saved. (from WL, Speaking for God, ch. 7)
List, Pray, Visit: Antelope Valley
Antelope Valley includes the cities of Palmdale and Lancaster plus several smaller places. Some who live in Antelope Valley meet with L.A. hall 2 Spanish-speaking; some CSUN students come from families who live there, and saints in Santa Clarita and Victorville have contact with others there. Santa Clarita has a list of 40 people in Antelope Valley, college students, single adults, families, young people; some have met with us over 20 years, others were saved in the past year. This year a few brothers have been praying for Antelope Valley and going to visit people there. Now we can join in this prayer. Lord, shepherd them into the church in Palmdale.
Los Angeles: Migrate Out and Stay Strong
The Lord needs a strong testimony in Los Angeles and also needs migrations out of Los Angeles to establish or strengthen the church life in other places such as Santa Monica, Santa Barbara, many states in the center of the U.S., and Europe. Only the Lord can keep the church strong while sending out experienced saints. What He needs is our cooperation in prayer.
Sixth Grade Baptism
Saturday May 19, at 4:00 pm (Hall 2) we will rejoice together as we baptize our newly saved sixth grade brothers and sisters from families all over Los Angeles. All are invited to memorialize and witness the transfer of these precious new ones into the Kingdom of God. We will have a love feast at 6:00 pm followed by a young people’s meeting.
Summer School of Truth
The summer school will be July 16th to July 29th. Pray that all who should be involved will keep these dates free.
Christians in the United States
In the past decades mega-churches (more than 2000 members) have risen in the U.S. They offer firm structure, strong leadership, eloquent preaching, and professional music. However, in recent years several million Christians have moved wholly or partially from large and mega churches to house churches for mutuality and informality. These house churches, also called organic churches, try to some extent to copy the church practice recorded in the New Testament. However, many are short of detailed truths concerning Christ and short of experiences of Christ. Beseech the Lord to release more truth in ways that will reach, enlighten, nourish, and lead these believers.
On Saturday, May 19, we are holding an annual seminar with literature contacts who have been reading the ministry books in French but have never attended a meeting in the Lord’s recovery. We are expecting 47 literature contacts whom we have never met. In addition, we are expecting other unregistered new ones to attend through personal invitations. Thus, based on our past experience, nearly 60 new contacts will attend this year’s seminar.
Please pray for the Lord’s blessing upon this seminar, so that through a strong release of the truth and the sweet flow of life in each meeting, the Lord will capture a good number of these new ones by stirring up their hunger to seek more fellowship with the saints in the churches.
Please pray that the Lord will raise up a new lampstand in a city in north Poland near Gdansk. A group of about 25 saints has come out of the Pentecostal church and is seeking the Lord’s way for them. Several of their members have attended one or more of our conferences in Poland. They are becoming clear regarding the Lord’s recovery, but they need much prayer and fellowship.
Greece is in considerable financial trouble and national elections in early May ended with no clear national leadership. Due to large European loans made to Greece, the turmoil there affects all of Europe. Pray for formation of a government that will be good for the Lord’s move in Greece and in all of Europe.
Please pray for the Lord’s continuing move Rome and the preparation for the conference and first Lord’s table there June 16 – 17.
- Morning revival: week 1 of The Focus of the Lord’s Recovery (Thanksgiving conference).
- Here are some saints practicing to speak the gospel; you are encouraged to read their few paragraphs and watch their two short videos. Then follow their example and practice with your companions.
- We rejoice to announce to you the establishment of the church in Fontana, in San Bernardino County. The church will have its first Lord’s table on June 3. Praise the Lord, a new golden lampstand will be raised up. Please come to support us for His testimony. Information about location is posted at If you plan to attend, send your name and the number going with you to Los Angeles Service Office