Memorial Day Conference
The Memorial Day Conference will be Friday night, May 25 through Monday noon, May 28, in Bellevue, Washington. Lord, speak a new, living word to all the churches in this conference.
List, Pray, Visit
For Christ’s increase, we should write a list of people we want to meet the Lord. Then we pray for them, preferably with a companion. We should continue to pray; some will respond quickly, some will take a long time. Then we go to visit them, to present a little of Christ to them. (from church in L.A. meeting, May 6)
We have to learn the truth so that we can speak God’s word outside of meetings. This depends on whether or not we have the burden and the heart to do it. If we have the heart, then the more we do it, the more we will have the burden. The more burden we have, the more results we will have, and the more results we have, the more we will be encouraged. To preach the gospel and bring people to salvation is not too difficult a matter. This requires us to learn the truth and to learn to speak outside of the meetings to the unbelievers. (from WL, Speaking for God, ch. 7)
United States
Lord, we beseech You to turn the United States to righteousness and away from unrighteousness.
CSUN Blending Trip
The CSUN students will go on a one week blending trip May 24 to 31, driving up to Bellevue to attend the Memorial Day Conference and to blend with churches in Washington, Oregon, and northern California. Please pray that the students would be established in the truth and see a vision of the Body of Christ. Also pray for the Lord to cover all the travels and that the saints would experience Christ in being blended with the churches and one another.
Summer School of Truth
The summer school will be July 16th to July 29th. Pray that all who should be involved will keep these dates free.
Santa Monica and Santa Barbara
Acts 13:2, “as they were ministering to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, Set apart for Me now Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” Lord, through our prayers, set some apart to Yourself for Santa Monica and Santa Barbara.
We rejoice to announce to you the establishment of the church in Fontana, in San Bernardino County. The church will have its first Lord’s table on June 3. Praise the Lord, a new golden lampstand will be raised up. Please come to support us for His testimony. Information about location is posted at If you plan to attend, send your name and the number going with you to Los Angeles Service Office
Germany and Austria
The annual German language conference will be 26-28 May. The conference messages will be spoken entirely by German-speaking brothers. The general subject will be “The Focus of the Lord’s Recovery.” Please pray:
- That the speaking will fully release the burden and bring the German-speaking saints into the focus;
- For the testimony of Jesus to be established in Frankfurt;
- That a large group of new ones from Austria, who will come to the conference for the first time, will “taste and see that the Lord is good” and will see a vision of God’s economy.
Recovery Version Distribution and London Olympic Games
The 2012 Olympic Games in London commence 27 July. The Olympic Torch Relay began its 70-day journey through the UK last Saturday. The saints throughout the United Kingdom are going out to distribute the NT Recovery Version and literature during this time.
The Olympic torch will pass through 30 cities where there are saints; this is a good opportunity to reach the local people. Please pray that:
- the high gospel and the ministry of the age will prevail throughout the United Kingdom;
- the Lord will prepare the hearts of many local British, and gain, for His testimony, many sons of peace and seeking ones in the cities covered by the distribution;
- the ministry will reach His seekers and be brought back to countries all over the earth;
- the Lord will burden and release many saints to participate in this distribution;
- tens of thousands of NT Recovery Versions will be distributed.
- Morning revival: week 2 of The Focus of the Lord’s Recovery (Thanksgiving conference). Prophesying on May 27 will be a combination of week 2 and what we received from Memorial Day conference videos.
- We rejoice to announce to you the establishment of the church in Fontana, in San Bernardino County. The church will have its first Lord’s table on June 3. Praise the Lord, a new golden lampstand will be raised up. Please come to support us for His testimony. Information about location is posted at If you plan to attend, send your name and the number going with you to Los Angeles Service Office