Memorial Day Conference
Lord, perfect us in Your glory to bring forth a full expression of the Father’s life and nature (John 17:22-24). Lord, also grant us to be in one accord that we may with one mouth glorify our God and Father (Romans 15:5-6).
List, Pray, Visit
For Christ’s increase, we should write a list of people we want to meet the Lord. Then we pray for them, preferably with a companion. We should continue to pray; some will respond quickly, some will take a long time. Then we go to visit them, to present a little of Christ to them.
We have many opportunities to speak. Therefore, it is best to have in our pockets a small Bible, some gospel tracts, or some simple spiritual booklets, so that whenever there is a need, they can be used. We should not simply say that the Lord Jesus is wonderful, and that believing in the Lord Jesus will give people peace. Rather, we must show people the truth. The truths in the Bible are the highest. We have to learn to dig out these treasures from the Bible. Then in our daily living when there are suitable opportunities we can speak to a person, and we can also open our Bible and read a portion to him. If he is receptive, we can give him a small booklet to read at home. We should not ask him about it the very next day; rather, we should wait for three or five days and then give him a Bible verse, again in a relaxed manner. If we work in this way persistently, people will believe in the Lord.
CSUN Blending Trip
The CSUN students’ blending trip ends Thursday. They attended the Memorial Day Conference and now are blending with churches in Washington, Oregon, and northern California. Please pray that the students be established in the truth and see a vision of the Body of Christ. Also pray for the Lord to cover the travels and that the saints would experience Christ in being blended with the churches and one another.
College Training
Ask the Lord for many college students and high school seniors to attend this summer’s college training, July 9-15 in northern California. We are covering “The Course of the Church” commemorating the Lord’s recovery being in the United States for 50 years. The deadline to register is June 3. Sign-ups and all of the details are at: Thank you for your prayers!
New Zealand
The annual Korean-speaking conferences in two cities in New Zealand will be this weekend and next. The messages will come from the Memorial Day conference and the Southern California Korean-speaking conference on May 12-13. Brother Bang from Los Angeles will participate in the speaking. Please pray for the traveling, for the speaking, and for the Lord’s present move to be realized more in New Zealand.
Recovery Version Distribution and Olympic Games in London
The 2012 Olympic Games in London commence 27 July. The Olympic Torch Relay is now in its 70-day journey through the UK. The saints throughout the United Kingdom, including 29 cities on the torch relay route, are going out to distribute the NT Recovery Version and literature during this time.
Please pray that:
- the high gospel and the ministry of the age will prevail throughout the United Kingdom;
- the Lord will prepare and gain many local British people;
- the Lord will burden and release many saints to participate in this distribution;
- tens of thousands of NT Recovery Versions will be distributed.
Recovery Version Distribution in Canada
We are invited to pray for, and if the Lord leads, to participate in two Bibles for Canada gospel sowing trips in late July and early August. Those who have conversational ability in French are greatly needed but those who only speak English are welcome too. Details are at If you are interested, read the information and register as soon as possible.
Democratic Republic of Congo
In April the Lord opened a gate of fellowship with the saints in the Kivu region of the Democratic Republic of Congo. By the Lord’s sovereignty, the ministry reached this region in the early 1990’s through the books, the Normal Christian Church Life and the Normal Christian Life. Over a decade ago, these saints began meeting according to the heavenly pattern set forth in these books. Since then, they have sought fellowship with believers in other localities that have seen the same vision. From 2010, they began to attend conferences in Kampala, Uganda.
April was the first time they were visited by the saints from churches outside the region. They are grateful to the Lord for opening up gates of fellowship with the rest of the Body. Saints are meeting in 18 localities in Kivu; the number in each varies from 1 household to 120 saints. Saints also meet in a city in Rwanda about 1 mile from the Congo-Rwanda border. Praise the Lord for His economy, His move, and His desire to gain the whole earth. Please pray for the Lord’s move in Africa.
May you all be encouraged to continue to pray for the Lord’s move in Lebanon and the Middle East. The response to the May 14 gospel presentation in the two philosophy classes was more than expected. All 60 students were very attentive the entire time. After the half hour presentation on the three parts of man and the meaning of the universe, the students asked seeking questions like: How can I talk to God? How do I know I am using my spirit? How can God live in me? It was obvious to us that the prayer prepared the hearts of these young people. Both classes requested another time together. Two other philosophy professors heard of the students’ response and requested that the same presentation be given in their classes in a few weeks.
Please continue to pray:
- That the Lord will keep the door wide open for the gospel of the kingdom to be preached at this university and that no man will shut this door.
- That the Lord will arrange the appointed time to share the gospel with the classes of the other two professors.
- That the hearts of the students will be softened by the Lord to receive His word and be brought to Him in salvation.
- That the newly saved couple 1 hour north of Beirut will make progress through their pray-reading and reading His Word, and that the matter of baptism will become to them a wonderful revelation.
- That the saints in Beirut will realize and grow into the experience of shepherding others in life.
We thank and praise the Lord that through the prayer of the Body of Christ, the Lord delivered the Rhema book shipment to our distribution center in Beirut in spite of the many logistical frustrations. Praise the exalted and victorious Christ on the throne!
Your fellow enjoyers, The church in Beirut
- Morning revival: week 3, days 1 to 3 of The Focus of the Lord’s Recovery (Thanksgiving conference). We will cover days 4 to 6 starting Monday, June 4.
- We rejoice to announce to you the church in Fontana, in San Bernardino County. The church will have its first Lord’s table on June 3. Please come to support us for His testimony. Information about location is posted at If you plan to attend, send your name and the number going with you to Los Angeles Service Office
- The annual international blending conference in Dublin Ireland will be August 25-26. Register by August 13. Information and registration is at