List, Pray, Visit
John 3:30 says “He must increase.” The increase in this verse is the bride in verse 29, and the bride is a living composition of all the regenerated people. This means, in this chapter on regeneration, that regeneration not only brings the divine life into the believers and annuls the satanic nature in their flesh, but it also makes them the corporate bride for Christ’s increase. (see note on John 3:30)
For Christ’s increase, we should write a list of people for whom we are burdened, people we want to meet the Lord. Then we should pray for them, preferably with a companion. We should continue to pray; some will respond quickly, some will take a long time. Then we should go to visit them, to present a little of Christ to them. Do not overwhelm them; repeated visits with a little dispensing will bring forth results. To go to their home is very good, but we could also meet them at work or at a coffee shop, or contact them by phone, email, text, internet, Twitter, or Facebook. Lord, burden us for people.
The Grace of God
“We make known to you, brothers, the grace of God” (2 Cor. 8:1). The grace of the believers is the issue of God’s motivating grace (see note 5 in 2 Cor. 8:7). As reported in the Lord’s Day meeting, the financial situation of the church has strengthened considerably in the past six months. We believe that this is a manifestation of God’s motivating grace in us. How we thank God for this grace experienced here! May we also beseech Him to keep us in this grace and even to increase it.
Sixth Grade Salvation
Praise the Lord! We now have about a dozen new brothers and sisters in Christ from Los Angeles! Your prayers and the prayers of all the saints in coordination bore fruit this weekend in the mountains. There were probably a hundred or more sixth graders who received the Lord this weekend in a prevailing Spirit-filled time of conviction and enjoyment. Many if not all desire to be baptized into the church as soon as possible. We hope to have a baptism meeting for all to enjoy our new family members Saturday May 19.
Pray these sixth graders can find a home connection and companions in their young Christian lives.
Training for Summer School of Truth
This Saturday, May 12th, we will have the training for the Summer School of Truth at Los Angeles Hall 2 from 9 am to 3 pm. This training, for churches in L.A. and Ventura counties, is open to all parents, those who serve with young people, those who will or might serve in Summer School, and those who have contact with young people. Saints can register by going to the SCYP website which is: and clicking on Event Registration or contact those who serve with young people in your hall.
Please pray the that Lord would use this time to blend the saints who are gathering from various surrounding churches and would release a timely word for the training of the saints, in preparation for the Summer School of Truth.
Santa Monica
Please pray for the city of Santa Monica and for the Lord to strengthen His testimony there by raising up some saints for that city. Seventy percent of the city is English speaking and composed of typical Americans. Also Santa Monica College has a Bible study the meets weekly on the campus. Please pray for the Lord to have a shining expression in that city with His name being excellent in Santa Monica.
Santa Barbara
Please pray for 1) migration of young couples or families who have experience with college students and 2) gaining of local families with homes open to church life.
Southern California Korean-Speaking Conference
The Southern California Korean-Speaking conference will be Saturday night 7 to 9 pm and Lord’s Day 9:30 am to 12:30 pm at the Ministry Conference Center in Anaheim.
Video Training Registration
Video registration is still open for all video trainings in Los Angeles. Beseech the Lord for more to participate, especially those who have never been in a video training.
Distribution of Rhema Literature in Brazil
Distribution of Rhema’s free literature to the churches and to the seeking saints in Brazil includes Basic Elements of the Christian Life volumes 1 and 2, The Economy of God, and The All-inclusive Christ.Please pray for the saints to enter into the ministry and to receive much supply and light from these books.
The annual spring conference in Israel is May 10-12 at the Sea of Galilee. We gather together for a time set aside for blending with the Body, and seeking the Lord and the enjoyment of His word.
Another series of four one-week trainings at Bower House, London is happening 30 April to 26 May. The general subject for each week is “The Four Great Pillars in the Lord’s Recovery: Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel.” Please pray for the perfecting of many saints from all over Europe through these trainings.
- Morning revival: REPEAT Psalms, week 24. Monday, May 14 we will begin week 1 of The Focus of the Lord’s Recovery (Thanksgiving conference).
- A delightful video gospel tract (less than 3 minutes) by BfA is at
- We rejoice to announce to you the establishment of the church in Fontana, in San Bernardino County. The church will have its first Lord’s table on June 3. Praise the Lord, a new golden lampstand will be raised up. Please come to support us for His testimony. Information about location is posted at If you plan to attend, send your name and the number going with you to Los Angeles Service Office