Lord, Rule Over the U. S. Elections
“Jesus Christ, the faithful Witness, the Firstborn of the dead, and the Ruler of the kings of the earth.” (Revelation 1:5)
God raised Christ and seated Him at His own right hand “Far above all rule and authority and power and lordship and every name that is named not only in this age but also in that which is to come.” (Ephesians 1:20-21)
Lord, rule over every office and every name and every proposition in the elections next week for the furtherance of Your economy!
Southern California College Conferences
The conferences are November 2 to 4 and 16 to 18. Half of the churches in Southern California and Arizona will attend each. Los Angeles will attend the second conference. The subject of both is “The Divine Stream.”
From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible unveils to us a stream flowing as a picture of the Spirit flowing to impart God into us, to fill us, and to bring us into a deeper relationship with Him. We must give our undivided attention to the flow of the divine stream so that this stream would not only flow into us, but through us to water others. Come to the college conference and jump into the divine stream!
Los Angeles Korean Bible Distribution
After the Bible distribution at the L.A. Korean Festival, we Korean-speaking saints are contacting people who said they want to contact for more free booklets or studying the Bible by phone and face to face. Many saints are participating and enjoying this contacting because many recipients’ responses are good and positive. Some read the Bible together with footnotes on telephone calls and some want to meet with us. Some want more Bibles for relatives and gospel friends, so our distribution is not finished yet. Pray that:
- the Lord may perfect us to feed and shepherd Bible recipients by phone and face to face.
- the Lord give the recipients spiritual hunger so that they will pursue the truth in the Bible with us.
- all the saints may enter into the prayer and God’s ordained way by twos and threes.
- the Lord may bind the enemy and put Satan into shame to protect our continual Bible distribution and spreading this high gospel.
Florida College Conference
Dick Taylor will be in Tampa this weekend for the Florida College Conference. The subject is “The Divine Stream.” Afterwards Dick will visit the church in Gainesville, Florida.
Full Time Training in Africa
Brother John and brother Gary from the church in Pretoria, South Africa are at FTTA for 5 to 7 weeks. Pray that they may receive maximum benefit from this time to lay a foundation for the beginning of FTT Pretoria (FTTP) in the first week of March, 2013. In addition, the couple Deon and Deanna from South Africa are trainees at FTTA-Middle Age for the entire fall term. Pray that they may receive maximum benefit from their training for their usefulness in the practical services at FTTP.
FTTP already has ten applications. Thank the Lord for this and ask for the Lord to open the door for more young saints in Africa to be trained.
Trainings in Europe
Amana Trust will have four one-week trainings in London, beginning Mondays October 29, November 5, November 19, and November 26. The overall theme is The Four Great Pillars in the Lord’s Recovery: Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel.
Attendees will also spend some time with the Full-time Training in London and its activities with the church in London. There will be fellowship regarding daily life before the Lord, practicing the vital groups, entering into the spread of the divine truths throughout Europe, fulfilling the Lord’s desire to be fruit-bearing branches in the vine, and developing each one’s function for building up the church.
- Morning revival: week 9 of Crystallization Study of the Minor Prophets (summer training). After week 12 we will use Taking the Lead as Elders and Responsible Ones (the spring 2012 ITERO). Taking the Lead applies to all of us by focusing on Loving the Lord; Experiencing and Ministering Life; Prophesying for Building Up; Prayer; and Knowing, Living, and Working in the Body.
- Three couples in Storrs, Connecticut testify of the struggles and joys of their migration in a 4 minute video at http://wemigrate.org.