Binding and Loosing
“I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. I will give to you the keys of the kingdom of the heavens, and whatever you bind on the earth shall have been bound in the heavens, and whatever you loose on the earth shall have been loosed in the heavens.” (Matthew 16:18b-19)
Our function in prayer is to exercise our spirit to sense what has already been bound or loosed in the heavens, and then to bind or loose the same on earth.
Meeting of the Church in Los Angeles
The whole church in Los Angeles will meet together at Mission College Lord’s Day, October 14. A map is posted at Lord, release much enjoyment, many praises, and more blending during this time. Bring us forward into a new experience of praying for Your move in and around Los Angeles.
Lord’s Day there was a dinner for UCSB students who met regularly last school year. The time was used to fellowship and pray about contacting and shepherding new students. Tuesday night is a dinner and meeting for students contacted at BfA tables 2 weeks ago and this week.
Please ask the Lord to gain more students this quarter and to give each of the students meeting since last year a shepherding heart to care for new students.
Perfecting Time for Spanish-Speaking
Every year, during the fall, we have a time of fellowship and perfecting for the Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California. This year will be Saturday, October 20 from 4:00 PM to 9:30 PM at the Ministry Conference Center in Anaheim. This time we will consider the service and function of the sisters in the church life. This perfecting conference is open to all the saints in the churches. There will not be child care.
4:00-6:00 PM First Meeting
6:00-7:15 PM Recess (meal is personal responsibility)
7:30-9:30 PM Second Meeting
The church in Anaheim will have an English-language gospel meeting Saturday, October 13 and a gospel picnic Saturday, October 20.
French Recovery Version
Over 1,300 New Testaments were given out in Paris September 12 to 18, with over 900 people indicating they wanted further contact. Of these 900, the saints felt that 115 were especially eager for more contact. Bibles were distributed also in Lausanne and Geneva, Switzerland, and again last week in Paris. Please pray for the follow-up of those who have requested contact.
We still have some obstacles in opening our publishing company. We contacted a local Christian publisher and this publisher is willing to help us to publish and distribute our books. We are seeking further fellowship related to the publication work. Please pray for the publication of the Ministry materials in Turkish.
We met a few native Turkish families open to the gospel. Lord, move more in this direction!
Teams of local saints, FTTMx trainees, and middle-age trainees are visiting 14 target cities in Mexico October 2 to 14. They are preaching the gospel of the kingdom, doing follow-up with literature readers, and shepherding saints who already meet in those cities. Please pray
- That all the teams may be strengthened to go as one priesthood of the gospel God.
- For the first Lord’s table in Tuxtla Gutierrez, capital city of Chiapas. May the Lord gain a shinning lampstand there!
- For the team going to Merida, capital city of Yucatan to prepare for the migration in the coming months. May the Lord guide them to find the most strategic place to live.
- That the Lord may gain one key family per city during this trip.
- For the safety of each saint.
- Morning revival: week 7 of Crystallization-Study of the Minor Prophets (summer training).
- We are pleased to announce a perfecting conference for parents and for those who serve with the children in the churches. It will be a further development of the conference one year ago. It will be Saturday, October 13, 9 am to 3:30 pm at the Diamond Bar meeting hall. The registration deadline is October 9; donation (including lunch) is $20. Please click here to register by October 9 or go to the link at
- A simple, 2 minute video presentation of the Recovery Version New Testament by Bibles for America is at
- The fall international conference in Israel will be November 15 to 17. An optional pre-conference tour to visit sites of biblical and historical significance will be November 8-15. Registration deadline is October 15. The announcement is at
- This year’s International Thanksgiving Conference will be held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma from Thursday, November 22 through Lord’s Day, November 25. The announcement is at There will be child care for kindergarden to 6th grade; if you will take children please register them with your district by Lord’s Day, October 28.