United States
“His good pleasure, which He purposed in Himself, unto the economy of the fullness of the times, to head up all things in Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth, in Him” (Eph. 1:9b-10).
The U.S. elections are November 6, eight weeks from now. Lord, use this time and our prayer to head up this nation in Christ.
The North American co-workers will be together Wednesday and Thursday to pray for and consider the furtherance of the Lord’s move among us.
Perfecting for Parents and Those Serving with Children
We are pleased to announce a perfecting conference for parents and for those who serve with the children in the churches. This conference will be a further development of the conference one year ago. It will be Saturday, October 13, 9 am to 3:30 pm at the church in Diamond Bar meeting hall. The registration donation (including lunch) is $20. Please click here to register by October 9. or go to the link at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.
Santa Barbara
Pray for further experiences of one accord in our:
- Shepherding of families who generally meet once per week but have not come into daily church life.
- Shepherding of children in church families and coordination of the serving saints.
- Shepherding of students at UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara City College, and Brooks Institute.
- Incorporation of the church in Santa Barbara with the State of California.
UC Merced
The church in Merced had a BfA table on the UC Merced campus last Wednesday. We got 21 appointments with students to have Bible studies with them on campus. Please pray that they all will show up at the appointed time and enjoy the Lord with us in His word.
Bibles for America
Since 2000, BfA has given away more than 2 million Bibles and ministry books. Each month over 4,500 Bibles and 10,000 books are sent to people all over the country. Forty-four percent of recipients are interested in further contact. Many have been gained for the Lord’s recovery and are enjoying the church life today.
Through the years, Bibles for America has endeavored to carry out its mission with a learning spirit and in coordination with the churches in the Lord’s recovery. What we have learned related to distributing the Recovery Version and ministry books and also following up with recipients, is for the spread of the Lord’s work in His recovery, and ultimately for the building up of His Body. From giving away Bibles in person to providing online tools and resources, BfA is striving to use every proper means to feed the spiritually hungry, both saved and unsaved.
Please pray for the contact with the students, especially the first-year students, at the universities in Europe in September, before classes begin in October.
The fall 2012 semester of the full-time training in London (FTTL) includes 40 trainees, of whom 17 are first-term trainees. There are trainees from the UK (11), France (6), Netherlands (4), Poland (4), Germany (3), Spain (3), Lithuania (2), Estonia (2), and one each from Romania, Slovakia, Italy, Portugal, and Taiwan. Please pray that all the trainees be constituted with the divine truths, live the life of a God-man, and be equipped to serve the Lord for the increase and building up of Christ’s Body.
O Lord, Gospelize Thailand
The population of Thailand is less than one percent Christian. Recently some young saints have given themselves for gospelizing. O Lord, Gospelize Thailand!
- Morning revival: week 3 of Crystallization Study of the Minor Prophets (summer training).
- There will be a joint meeting of the church in Los Angeles, Lord’s Day, October 14, 10 am at Mission College (same location as May of this year).
- This year’s International Thanksgiving Conference will be held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma from Thursday, November 22 through Lord’s Day, November 25. The announcement is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer. There will be child care for kindergarden to 6th grade; if you will take children please register them with your district by Lord’s Day, October 28.