Church in Los Angeles
The whole church will meet together Lord’s Day, April 21, at Mission College (same location as two meetings last year). Lord, use this time to advance Your move in Los Angeles.
Ask the Lord to flow out His riches to bring people to Himself and to fellowship in the church life. May He flow out of us to family, neighbors, classmates, work associates, and friends. Our goal is 1000 people participating in the church life in L.A. this year.
Bibles for America
The new Bibles for America website,, was launched last week. It includes gospel tracts, videos, and Bible studies that we can use.
May the Lord use this site to reach many more people with free copies of the New Testament Recovery Version and ministry books by Watchman Nee and Witness Lee!
Ask the Lord to bestow His grace richly in all the churches in North America that all the saints may be full of joy to give (2 Cor. 8:1-2) for the work on the training center. Pray also for rich grace to the brothers working on the building.
European ITERO
Responsible brothers from all over Europe will gather in London April 19 to 21 to review the messages given at the spring 2013 ITERO in Anaheim. The subject is, The Experience, Growth, and Ministry of Life for the Body. Please pray that the Lord’s speaking will be received by all the brothers and that all the churches in Europe will be built up as a result.
South Africa
Willem van der Zwan, a co-worker from Holland, is at FTT Pretoria until April 24. May the Lord enrich him and the local trainers to minister Himself day by day in classes and in personal shepherding. May the Lord cause every trainee to be an open vessel.
Blending in Ethiopia has an invitation to and details about the international blending conference July 26-28 in Ethiopia. There are optional tours before and after. A goal is that 800 from Ethiopia attend, along with some from each of the other 16 nations in Africa where the recovery is active, plus 200 from outside of Africa. Pray that this time of blending strengthen the Lord’s move in Africa.
North Korea has announced threats to South Korea and to other nations. Our focus is not the threats, but the world situation should remind us to pray for the Lord’s move. May the sense of insecurity caused by North Korea turn many to the gospel. And may the Lord open a door to North Korea for the gospel.
Frankfurt, Germany
Geoffrey Choy was in L.A. hall 5 in the 1990s. He is now in Frankfurt, Germany. He says, We’ve been here in Frankfurt since last July. There are about 7 adults, 2 young people and 4 children meeting together on Lord’s day. We are endeavoring to follow the Lord and practice the church life.
- Morning revival: week 4 of Crystallization of Daniel and Zechariah (winter training).
- Summer Training. The training in Anaheim is July 1 to 6; donation is $155; registration deadline is Tuesday, April 23. Video training schedules will be announced in each hall; donation is $80.
- The Memorial Day conference will be May 24 to 27 in Atlanta, Georgia. There will be child care for K through 6th grade. Details are at Please register in your district the children and the number of adults and young people attending by Lord’s Day, April 28.