“The extent to which we pray is the extent to which God works. Those whom we touch in prayer are those on whom God works, what we pray for is what God does, and how we pray is how God fulfills. This is a great principle of prayer.” (The Meaning and Purpose of Prayer, Witness Lee, p. 30; published by LSM)
Church in Los Angeles
The whole church will meet together Lord’s Day, April 21, at Mission College (same location as two meetings last year). Lord, use this time to advance Your move in Los Angeles.
Ask the Lord to flow out His riches to bring people to Himself and to fellowship in the church life. May He flow out of us to family, neighbors, classmates, work associates, and friends. Our goal is 1000 people participating in the church life in L.A. this year.
The international training for responsible brothers is Friday morning through Lord’s Day noon. Ask the Lord to grant every brother more perfecting so that each one is a shining star. Ask the Lord also to blend the brothers further into one Body and into one accord.
May many saints rise up to give a little time each week to “war the good warfare” (1 Tim. 1:18) on the internet by presenting truths of this ministry, supporting others’ presentations, or by testifying their experiences of Christ, so that there will be a flow of life and truth on the internet.
Fargo, North Dakota
There is no church yet in North Dakota. Fargo is the largest city and site of North Dakota State University. The churches in Brooklyn Park and Minneapolis, MN and the church in Winnipeg, Canada (each 4 hours drive from Fargo) have all been supportive in gospel outreach. One mid-age sister and a few college students in Fargo are ready for the church life. A mid-age couple from Orange County will soon migrate to Fargo. Lord, raise up the church life here!
South Africa
FTTP is the full-time training in Pretoria, South Africa, but saints in Africa say that FTTP means FTT Praise the Lord. The training is now in its second month. Willem van der Zwan, a co-worker from Holland, is there until April 24. May the Lord enrich him and the local trainers to minister Himself day by day in classes and in personal shepherding. May the Lord cause every trainee to be an open vessel.
“God’s intention was to create a vessel to contain Him and to express Him, so God only wants an opening of the vessel. If the vessel is open, God can fulfill His purpose, but if the vessel is closed, God’s purpose is frustrated.” (WL, Perfecting Training, ch. 22)
Invitation to Ethiopia (http://www.ibc2013.org)
The church in Addis Ababa in fellowship with the co-workers invites you to attend an international blending conference July 26-28 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia with optional tours before and after. We expect a rich feast and the Lord’s blessing in the fellowship and blending among all the saints attending. We believe that this time of blending of all the churches and the saints in the Lord’s recovery will strengthen the Lord’s move in Africa.
Our goal is that 800 from Ethiopia attend, along with some from each of the other 16 nations in Africa where the recovery is active, plus 200 from outside of Africa.
- Morning revival: week 3 of Crystallization of Daniel and Zechariah (winter training).
- Summer Training registration has begun. The training in Anaheim is July 1 to 6; donation is $155; registration deadline is Tuesday, April 23. Video training schedules will be announced; donation is $80.
- The Memorial Day conference will be May 24 to 27 in Atlanta, Georgia. There will be child care for K through 6th grade. Details are at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer. Please register in your district the children and the number of adults and young people attending by Lord’s Day, April 28.