The Lord’s Word Will Prosper
“For just as the rain comes down and the snow from heaven, and does not return there, until it waters the earth and makes it bear and sprout forth, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater; so will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; it will not return to Me vainly, but it will accomplish what I delight in, and it will prosper in the matter to which I have sent it.” (Isaiah 55:10-11)
Los Angeles Schools
Los Angeles Unified School District schools, and some other local school districts, begin this Tuesday, August 13. Please pray that the Lord, through the elementary, junior high, and high schools would sanctify His name through all our children and young people and would keep our young people from the evil one. Please also pray that the Lord would advance, in the way of life, on all the schools, and that children, parents, teachers, and administrators would all come to know that the heavens do rule and that God must have a kingdom on this earth to exercise his dominion, even in the educational environments.
The fall term of FTTA began this week.
Southern California Young People
Saturday, August 31, from 9 am through dinner there will be a perfecting time in Arcadia for junior high young people. After dinner all young people grades 7 to 12 are invited to a blending meeting in Arcadia.
About 1500 new contacts attended one or more meetings of last month’s International Blending Conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The church there has about 200 saints meeting and one full-time serving brother. Other churches in Ethiopia are smaller. Please pray for the adequate and timely follow up with these new ones that the churches may grow at the most healthy rate possible.
Croatia and Serbia
The Lord is continuing to move in Croatia and Serbia. Between the two countries the Lord has gained about 40 brothers and sisters who desire to follow the ministry and the churches in the Lord’s recovery. Please pray that Lord will continue to sow the seed of the ministry in Croatia, Serbia, and the remaining countries of the former Yugoslavia and will raise up lampstands in many cities.
Baltic Conference
The Baltic Blending Conference will be in Latvia August 16 to 18.
- Morning revival: week 5 of The Completing Ministry of Paul. After The Completing Ministry we will use Crystallization-study of Genesis.