We Pursue toward the Goal
“Brothers, I do not account of myself to have laid hold; but one thing I do: Forgetting the things which are behind and stretching forward to the things which are before, I pursue toward the goal for the prize to which God in Christ Jesus has called me upward.” (Phil. 3:13-14)
This week is welcome week for USC, an extremely important time to contact new students, especially freshmen. We need substantial prayer for:
- Each of our current students to have a specific, vital prayer companion, to abide in the vine, and to touch the joy of fruitbearing.
- The strengthening of the student coordination to be a blended group that cares for God’s move together by caring for one another first.
- Open freshmen of different backgrounds to be gained in clusters through dorm Bible studies to be fishers of men.
- The newer ones contacted to be brought into homes as the containers to make them remaining fruit.
Cal State Channel Islands and Moorpark College
The church in Thousand Oaks continued our campus work at Cal State Channel Islands during the summer. Please pray for the BfA table at CSUCI on Lord’s Day, August 25. Classes begin the next day.
In addition, we will start a new campus work at Moorpark College in fall 2013. Classes begin Monday, August 19. Please pray for the BfA table at Moorpark on Thursday, August 22.
Defense and Confirmation: http://an-open-letter.org
DCP launched http://an-open-letter.org during the Memorial Day conference. As of August 13, the site has had 23,511 unique visitors from over 100 countries. We are averaging over 300 visits per day, a little less than half of which are new visitors. This site has already impacted the results of internet searches.
We ask the churches and the saints to continue to pray:
- For the impact and effectiveness of this site in turning back the negative and inaccurate impression of the Lord’s recovery spread on the Internet;
- That this site would help seekers of Christ—on campuses, at work, and in the communities—to disregard opposition and rumors to pursue Christ in an unhindered way;
- That additional respected Christians would add their testimonies to those included at the launch of this site;
- For more constructive comments and questions to be submitted, and;
- For continued updates of the site with additional appropriate content.
High School Seniors Fellowship
We are happy to announce a High School Seniors Fellowship Time on Saturday, August 31, 9 am to 2 pm at the UCLA campus. This time is open to all high school seniors, not just those interested in attending UCLA. We hope to impress the students with a vision of the value of their college years humanly and for the Lord and provide some practical college fellowship. More information is at 2013 Invitation Letter to Seniors.
Bibles for America
More than 14,000 people have ordered the two-book set of The Normal Christian Life and The Economy of God that BfA released in May. Please pray that these recipients would begin to read the books with a soft and open heart and that the Lord would have a way to grow in them and enlighten them through the healthy words of the ministry.
Perfecting for Spanish-Speaking Saints
This fall will be another the Perfecting Training Series for Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California. This is open to all brothers and sisters in the churches in Southern California. Topics are Vital Living (September), Gospel Service (November), and Truth Equipping (December). We encourage all to pray and register for this training. More information is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.
Moore, Oklahoma
Here is a testimony of a FTTA-XB graduate who served this summer in the Summer School of Truth in Oklahoma City: The most enjoyable experience was door-knocking in the tornado-ravaged town of Moore. Too many glorious things happened to enumerate, but the Lord wants to gain that town, and He used the young people to cooperate with what He wants!
FTT London
The fall semester of FTTL began last week. There are 38 trainees; 11 are first-term trainees. Please pray that all the trainees be perfected for the Lord’s move in Europe by being constituted with the divine truths, by growing and being transformed in life, and by being trained to coordinate in all their services.
UK and Ireland Conference
The UK and Ireland Blending Conference will be in Nottingham, UK August 23 to 25.
- Morning revival: week 6 of The Completing Ministry of Paul. The following week we will begin Crystallization-Study of Genesis.
- This year’s Thanksgiving Conference will be held in Schaumburg, Illinois from Thursday, November 28 at night through Lord’s Day, December 1, mid-day. We extend an invitation to all the churches and individuals to participate in this gathering. There will be translation into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Details are at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.