Lord, Mend Us, Tune Us, Perfect Us, Complete Us
A very short summary of conference messages 1–3: John’s mending (Matt. 4:21) is a ministry to tune us (1 Cor. 1:10), perfect us (Eph. 4:12), and complete us (1 Thes. 3:10); the same Greek word is used in all these verses. This is a ministry of life (1 John 1:1-2) and this life is the living Person (John 14:6). Through incarnation, death, and resurrection, the Triune God comes to us as the consummated Spirit (John 7:39, 20:22) to shepherd us in life (John 10:10b-11) for the one flock (John 10:15-17) and to be incorporated with us (John 14:20) for the Father’s house (John 14:2-3, 23).
Lord, bring us into more experience of Yourself as life for Your one flock and the Father’s house!
Children’s Work
A summary of message three from the November 9 children’s meeting perfecting time for Southern California churches:
We are doing a “BC” (Before Christ) labor. This is an Old Testament work for children up to about age 12. Don’t tell them during this time that they can’t fulfill the law. They need to receive the word that they should honor their parents. But in due time, they will start to have a sense that they can’t do it. This is the law functioning to expose their inability and bring them to Christ. During this “BC” labor, we learn from Romans that the way to restrict wickedness is to know God by his creation; to glorify, thank, worship and serve God; to act according to the God-created good nature within us; to listen to our conscience; and to have proper reasonings. There is a moral degradation of this age that our children are growing up in and we have to get to them first, and we have to get to them strongly.
Perfecting for Spanish-Speaking Saints
This fall there is a Perfecting Training Series for Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California. The last topic is Truth Equipping (December 7). Lord, perfect the saints “unto the work of the ministry, unto the building up of the Body of Christ” (Eph. 4:12).
Cal State Channel Islands
We baptized two Channel Islands (CI) students on November 23. Eleven CI and one Moorpark student attended this baptism. During the 2013 fall semester, between 10 and 20 students attend our weekly Bible study. The Lord has been adding new students to our club weekly. Please pray for
- establishing core members through home meetings;
- raising up young adults to serve on CI campus;
- much mercy and grace to the existing serving ones, so that they have the enjoyment and full protection from the Lord while laboring on campus.
Iberian Conference
This year’s International Conference for Portugal, Spain, Gibraltar, and Andorra will be in Lisbon, Portugal, December 6 to 8. Our burden is that the Lord would raise up a lampstand in this city. We warmly invite all the churches and saints to join us in this burden.
Prayer for the Philippines
- Pray for the affected saints to be preserved and strengthened by the Lord.
- Pray for the Philippine government to operate efficiently so that relief goods can be delivered to the affected areas in a timely manner.
- Pray for the recovery of the electricity and communication systems.
- Pray for the brothers to quickly find out about each of the affected saints so that proper assistance can be granted.
- Pray for the co-workers, elders and saints in Central Philippines that they would grasp the opportunity to preach the gospel in the mingled spirit.
Madrid, Spain
Please pray for the Lord to have a breakthrough in Madrid, with an increase in life and number to gain the vessels that He needs for a strong expression in the capital city of Spain.
European University Conference Report
The conference was November 22 to 24 on The Producing of the Overcomers. To bring in His kingdom, the Lord needs to gain overcomers, who would stand above the degradation of this age and within the church to be the Body that God desires. Around 260 brothers and sisters from the UK, Ireland, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, and Germany were present.
First, we realize that it is impossible for us to be overcomers in ourselves. Second, we give up trying to do it. Third, we praise God that we are not able but He is able! Finally, we believe that He is able: “you have overcome them because greater is He who is in you” (1 John 4:4).
Eight were baptized at this conference! May the Lord continue to gain the European overcomers so that the Lord would be able to return quickly. Please pray:
- for a real desire in the students to be produced as the overcomers.
- for the students to be built up with one another and with the saints in their localities.
- that the students would see the need for the training and perfecting so that they could be so useful to the Lord in Europe.
- Morning revival: week 2 of Prayer and the Lord’s Move.
- Gifts marked for Philippines Relief may be given to the church or to Lord’s Move to Europe.
- A conference for the Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California will be January 17 to 19 in Anaheim. Messages will be given in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish and the meetings are open to all the saints. At the same time, we will have a Young People’s Conference and meetings for the children. Details are at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.