Winter Training
The winter training begins Monday, December 22. Ask the Lord to work in all who come so that they come poor in spirit, ready to receive something fresh from the Lord.
“To be poor in spirit is not only to be humble but also to be emptied in our spirit, in the depth of our being, not holding on to the old things of the old dispensation [nor holding on to what we have heard and know in the recovery] but unloaded to receive the new things, the things of the kingdom of the heavens.” (Matthew 5:3, note 2)
Gospel in Thousand Oaks
The church in Thousand Oaks had a gospel forum, dinner, and gospel preaching Saturday night. Sixteen new people attended; during the time all prayed. Six of the new people are high school students from a boarding school; they were brought by a dean of the school. We did not push baptism but one sister, who is a neighbor of saints and who has been in some home meetings, wanted to get baptized. After her one high school student got baptized.
Please pray for continued contact and care of all 16. Pray also for the high school to remain open to us.
We have 43 graduates this term. Please pray that each one would follow the Lord in this critical time. Among these graduates 14 are international trainees who need to leave the country; please pray that the Lord would guide their next step and that they would be at peace in their hearts.
Please pray for the FTTA serving ones in this busy time at the end of the term. Thank you.
A total of 200 new ones attended at least one seminar in the November series of five weekly seminars held simultaneously at four locations. Please pray:
- for the continued shepherding of the new ones through home visitations and group meetings.
- that the Lord will raise up a new district in Walthamstow, where a weekly meeting will continue on Lord’s day afternoon.
Lord’s Move in Asia
This weekend there will be national conferences in Sri Lanka and Vietnam.
Next week there will be one to three day young people’s trainings in Pakistan, Nepal, and Myanmar.
- Morning revival: week 2 the fall 2014 ITERO, The Vision, Practice, and Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ.
December 22 to 28: winter training verses or repeat week 2 of Vision, Practice, and Building Up
December 29 to January 4: week 3 of Vision, Practice, and Building Up - The Southern California Spanish Speaking Conference will be January 23 to 25 in Anaheim. There will also be a young people’s conference and children’s meetings. Información en español and English is at
- The 2015 International Chinese-speaking Conference will be in Taiwan February 21-22. There will be translation into English and other languages as needed. There will also be optional church visiting trips before and after the conference. Information is at A letter about a good air fare is at THE REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS EXTENDED; contact the registration coordinator for the church in LA, brother HongChang Lin (310) 904-3483 in hall 3.