Winter Training
The training begins Monday, December 23. Please pray for the Lord’s wisdom to the speaking brothers and in all the practical preparations.
Pray also for all who have been in the recovery many years. May we be saved from “I have heard that before” and brought onward to intensified experiences of what we have heard.
The Spread of the Children’s Work
In the children’s work we don’t have the flavor of a school, but we are helping them to be vessels unto honor, useful to the Master, prepared unto every good work (2 Tim. 2:21), with a view that in the future they would become men of God (2 Tim. 3:17).
For this work to be prevailing, we must realize this work should not just be on Sunday, in the hall, not just with those among our own families, but it should be daily, in homes, with children who are not currently meeting with us. Lord, give us solid contact with more children and more families.
Middle Age Training
This Saturday (December 14) 26 will graduate from the middle-age training. Please ask the Lord to:
- clearly lead each one to where they should live and what they should do;
- bring at least 40 new trainees to the spring term to replace them and to increase the training.
Church in Eastvale, California
Eastvale is a small city adjacent to interstate 15 in Riverside County. The first Lord’s Table of the church in Eastvale will be December 15.
Report from Portugal
The conference for Portugal and Spain was last weekend. Before the conference there were New Testament distributions in Lisbon and at the University of Lisbon. The students on this campus were open and ready beyond anything the saints had ever seen. Over 250 NTs went out; 47% of the recipients want further contact. Nineteen prayed to receive the Lord.
At present there is only one family in the recovery in Lisbon. Ask the Lord to supply them in shepherding and to gather seekers to them for raising up a lampstand in Lisbon.
Continue to pray for 1) the affected saints to be encouraged and supplied, 2) the restoration of communication and transportation, and 3) the gospel to be released and received.
It is likely that some trainees will visit the affected area in January to encourage the saints there and to join them in the gospel. Pray for the Lord’s wisdom to those who are planning the trip and for His clear leading to those who might participate.
- Morning revival: week 3 of Prayer and the Lord’s Move.
- Gifts marked for Philippines Relief may be given to the church or to Lord’s Move to Europe.
- A conference for the Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California will be January 17 to 19 in Anaheim. Messages will be given in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish and the meetings are open to all the saints. At the same time, we will have a Young People’s Conference and meetings for the children. Details are at