The International Chinese-speaking Conference will be in Taipei this Saturday and Lord’s Day. Pray for a rich release of the Lord’s word to all the attendants and for blending of churches around the whole earth.
Southern California Blending Conference March 14-15
A blending conference for all the churches in Southern California will be March 14-15 in Anaheim. The announcement letter in four languages is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.
How much we need to come out of our local boundaries, out of our independence, and practice the oneness of the Body by being blended together! The blending through the clustering among the churches, and the fellowship among the churches, should be as much as practicality allows, without boundaries of cities, states, provinces, or nations. (1993 Blending Conference Messages concerning the Lord’s Recovery and Our Present Need, chap. 2, sec. 6)
The Rich Supply
Colossians 2:19 tells us that “all the Body, being richly supplied and knit together by means of the joints and sinews, grows with the growth of God.” We are all members of the Body. To care for the building up of the Body, we should all receive the Spirit’s rich supply by reading the Bible and reading the ministry regularly. Let us pray that 1) more saints enter into regular reading, 2) that all the readers have companions, and 3) that there be more rich supply through the reading.
We should encourage those who are reading to continue. For those who are not reading the ministry, we encourage each one to get a companion and to begin reading of Life-study of Exodus. A schedule is posted at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.
Gospel Trips
The winter gospel trips have concluded. Forty one teams from FTTA went out to blend and coordinate with saints in North America, Europe, South America, and Asia. They distributed over 44,000 gospel tracts. They contacted over 9000 people of whom 1646 prayed to receive the Lord and 258 were baptized. Please pray that:
- the encouragement and supply to saints in all the places visited will remain with them;
- the Word of the Lord continue to operate in all who met the saints and in all who received literature;
- all who received literature open to it and read it daily;
- seeking Christians and new believers enter into good and continuing connections with local saints that they may grow in life and into the reality of the Body.
FTTA had orientation for new trainees Lord’s Day evening (February 15) and began for all trainees Monday. There are 35 LA-related trainees.
FTTA Boston Extension
There are 26 of us, including 2 from Los Angeles, graduating this term from Boston. Please pray that many of us would be loosed inwardly and outwardly to follow the Lord to migrate to Europe this summer. The experiences of those who’ve gone before testify that nothing can happen without the prayers of the Body.
FTT London began last week Monday (February 9) with 4 new trainees and 31 returning trainees.
- Morning revival: week 1 of The Vision and Experience of Christ in His Resurrection and Ascension (Thanksgiving conference).
- The Southern California spring college conference will be March 6 to 8 in Anaheim. All information is at http://www.college-conference.com. There will be hospitality for those attending full time. Early registration deadline is February 22.
- The Southern California high school conferences will be March 13 to 15. Registration is due by March 1.
- The joint meeting of the whole church in Los Angeles will be Lord’s Day, May 3.
- The 2015 National College Training will be July 12 to 18. Please visit http://www.collegetraining.org for information and instructions on how to register.