The World Situation and the Lord’s Move
We need to know this age and the present truth, and see a vision of God’s sovereignty, the world’s ultimate situation, and God’s ultimate recovery in order to fulfill our ultimate responsibility in God’s ultimate move by honoring the Lord as the Head and being balanced by the Body to be kept in its unique oneness.
(conference banner)
“…this grace [was] given…to enlighten all that they may see what the economy of the mystery is” (Eph. 3:8-9)
“…men who understood the times that they might know what Israel should do…” (1 Chron., 12:32)
“The people who know their God will show strength and take action.” (Dan. 11:32b)
Lord, through Your Word and through the conference messages, grace us that we may know this age, know the present truth, and have a fresh heavenly vision so that we may know what to do and be constituted to take action with You.
The spring term of the Middle-age Training begins March 13. Lord, release more saints from every restraint, and grace them inwardly to give themselves to begin or to continue this training.
French-Speaking Young People’s Conference
This annual conference will be in Vaumarcus, Switzerland, February 24-26.
Bibles for Europe
In October there will be Bibles for Europe distributions at more than 70 universities in Germany, and also to all kinds of people interested in the Bible due to the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Protestant Reformation. The desire is to distribute hundreds of thousands (!) of Recovery Version NTs in multiple European languages. The number of NTs to be printed will depend on the amount of offerings received by mid March. Let us participate in the preparations for October by praying and by giving for the printing of NTs (we may give to the church designated for Bibles for Europe).
FTTA Gospel Trips (last trips ended February 13)
Below are highlights from the FTTA gospel trips. Multiple reports, photos, and prayer burdens are posted at Please petition the Lord to encourage and supply the local saints to pray and coordinate to shepherd the new ones in the follow-up labor after all these trips.
Folsom, California (about 20 miles from Sacramento)
After our first day many saints shared that the people in Folsom seemed to be very closed. However, at the conclusion of our time, we realized that there are actually so many who are seeking the Lord!
For the last few days of our trip we focused on following up with the 150 contacts we made. Although we still have many that need to be contacted, there were definite positive responses from some. Two students at Folsom Lake College were positive during appointments and expressed a desire to meet in a regular way.
Please pray that more saints and their homes would be open in a consistent way to contain the ones the Lord has blessed us with.
Ottawa and Laval, Canada
Saturday night (Feb 11) 12 new ones joined us at the Bible seminar. The topic was the Spirit who is All-Sufficient. They heard about God’s economy and that God’s economy is to dispense Himself in Christ as the Spirit into His children. After the presentation, we broke up into 5 different groups: 2 English, 2 French, and 1 Spanish. Many new ones heard about calling on the name of the Lord and reading the Word as ways to receive this Spirit who is ll sufficient. Oh Lord Jesus! Oh Seigneur Jésus! Oh Señor Jesús!
Please ask the Lord to 1) bless all the Bibles and ministry materials given out and that the recipients would come to the full knowledge of the truth, 2) strengthen and supply the saints in Ottawa and Montréal (Laval is adjacent to Montreal) to follow-up with the contacts.
Highlights from North America
- The Lord has reminded us that building up the Body is intrinsic. We have not been able outwardly to do as much as we planned (due to much snow), but the Lord was working Himself into us. Some highlights have been the unscheduled prayer and fellowship with our hospitality, on days we were snowed in.
- The team and local saints including students went to two train stations near campus and distributed 204 gospel tracts. We found out that a lot of people were interested and read while waiting for the next train.
- We went door knocking at dorms and nearby neighborhoods. Although some were not home and we didn’t get many positive responses, we got revived and realized we are the happiest Christians on earth.
- We had a Bible study appointment with a sister’s family. We read in John 4 and shared the gospel to her unbelieving parents. Praise the Lord, they called upon Lord’s name with us and the salvation has come to this house. Later, they committed to have this kind of Bible study every Saturday morning.
- During our coordination time, many shared concerning their experiences of passing out Bibles in the metro stations. The reports were very encouraging.
- One of the contacts came to the Lord’s table meeting. During the table meeting, he offered many prayers and many praises to the Lord.
Refugees in Sweden
From February 21 to 24, two brothers will visit around 40 refugee camps in Sweden. Their aim is to distribute 5,000 packages with the gospel of the kingdom. Please stand with the two brothers in prayer. Ask the Lord to open the doors to these camps and the door to the hearts of the refugees.
About 20 saints meet in Split, the second largest city in Croatia. They have meetings for prayer, ministry reading, and enjoying the Lord.
A six-minute video ( shows smiling faces of all ages in meetings, multiple baptisms, and has testimonies from several brothers.
The January News of the Churches in India (posted at has reports about a leading brothers’ training on “The Increase of Christ,” college students from Taiwan helping with the gospel on campuses in New Delhi, and a larger leading brothers’ training on Living and Serving in the Divine Romance as Portrayed in the Song of Songs. Prayer requests from India:
- that the saints in India can continue to enter into and be constituted with the ministry;
- the NT Recovery Version Translation Project into 7 local languages;
- building up the local churches by establishing the gospel and home meetings;
- the spread into many more cities in India and the shepherding of these new churches;
- the gaining of a young generation from the campuses who will be released to join the FTT New Delhi for the sake of His move in this country.
- Morning revival: Week 1 in The Direction of the Lord’s Move Today (Thanksgiving Conference).
- The International Memorial Day Conference will be May 26 to 29 in White Plains, New York. Information about the conference and hotels is at Saints from L.A. who plan to attend are asked to RSVP before April 30 at (adults) and (children).
- There will be a conference on the gospel to all the nations in Atlanta May 5 to 7. The burden is to find a way to contact, labor among, and gain people of African descent to be part of His expression in the Body. For more information, contact