Lord, Trim and Supply
In Revelation 2 and 3 our High Priest is trimming the lampstands, cutting away those things that are not needed and that frustrate the shining; at the same time He is supplying the oil that is needed and that will make the lampstands burn brightly. (Mending Ministry, week 5, I.D.3)
Lord, trim us and supply us to increase our shining in Los Angeles!
FTTA Gospel Trips
The international trips concluded last week; the national trips continue through all of this week.
Please pray that these trips would be a lasting encouragement to the saints in every city and that the example of the trainees would stir the young people to give themselves to the Lord for His closure of this generation. Please pray also that the gospel contacts and New Testament recipients in every city would get connected to the local saints and have second, third, and continuing appointments.
Detailed reports, photos, and prayer requests are at http://beseeching.org. A few excerpts are below the announcements.
“Life-Study Live” in Hall 1
On March 1 there will be “Life-Study Live” in hall 1. This is a presentation to Spanish-language listeners of the Life-Study on the radio. The Spanish-speaking saints in hall 1 will host this seminar with support from other districts in Los Angeles. Please pray:
- For the expression and testimony of one Body in the service at this seminar;
- An increase in vitality for all our saints, to be active and living members with companions to nourish and shepherd those who contact us:
- That the Lord prepare the hearts of our radio listeners as good earth where Christ may grow in life;
- That the Lord may gather those who are to be saved and those who are seeking Him so that they may experience Christ as life.
Bibles for America
In January BfA contacted military installations that previously received BfA military packets to see if they would like to order more. In three weeks, chaplains and family readiness groups ordered 2,076 military packets, 238 New Testament Recovery Versions, 505 books, and 245 copies of the Gospel of John in Spanish.
Additionally, BfA found that the Army Chief of Chaplains is proposing to limit the organizations from which the Army can receive Bibles.
Please pray that:
- The BfA materials would reach the spiritually hungry service members.
- A door would remain open to Bibles for America in all branches of the US Military.
The past weekend a small team of FTTA trainees and other saints departed on a trip to the devastated area of the Philippines to encourage the saints there and to coordinate with them in preaching the gospel.
- Morning revival: week 5 of The Mending Ministry of John (Thanksgiving conference). After week 6 we will begin Genesis (winter training).
- Gifts marked for Philippines relief may be given to the church or to Lord’s Move to Europe.
- There will be a Chinese-speaking tour of Israel and Jordan March 24 to April 3. Saints must have a US or Canadian passport to apply. Details are at http://ourisraeltour.com/chineseusa2014.
- There will be a Russian-speaking conference March 28 to 30 in Sacramento. Information in English and Russian is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.
- There will be a Conference and Tour in Israel May 8 to 18 in English, Spanish, and Russian. Information in English and Spanish is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.
Excerpts from Reports from FTTA Gospel Trips
Columbia, South Carolina
We had a wonderful session of prayer and fellowship with the local saints and full-time serving ones, followed by preparations for our sowing events on the campuses. After lunch, 25 young people and serving ones from Charlotte, NC and Simpsonville, SC arrived and joined us for tract distribution and hymn singing at the University of South Carolina. In the evening, we had a YP meeting with the young people in Columbia and all those from Charlotte and Simpsonville who are joining us for the weekend. There were about 40 of us in total.
Edinburg, Texas
The Lord is continually providing for us and has given us more fresh enjoyment of Him! We had our second Bible study on campus at UTPA, and the turnout was as encouraging as our previous one. A total of twenty students signed in. We covered verses from Genesis 1. Hallelujah, we were made in His image and His likeness! After the Bible study, some students stayed to hang out with us for about an hour or so. There were also two students who received their salvation! Hallelujah for our two new sisters!
Merced, California
At UC Merced we handed out 20 Bibles, some free literature, and 6 were open to follow up. Many saints in the area also came for door-knocking in the city. We had a total of 5 teams go out, with many open for further contact. There were a couple of appointments that happened today from our contacts yesterday. The next day 12 students wanted further contact! We also had 7 door knocking teams with over 20 open for further contact this week! The city is very open and hungry for the Word. We are very encouraged with the positive responses throughout the city.
Frankfurt, Germany
We walked to downtown Frankfurt and distributed Bibles for two and a half hours. The people were not as receptive as at the universities, but that was to be expected as generally the older German population is more closed. We passed out 17 Bibles with 5 wanting further contact, and one young Muslim lady from Turkey prayed to receive the Lord! As we were packing up, a trash truck drove by and stopped, and the man driving the truck quickly jumped out and ran to our table. He was very excited to get a Bible! This was the first time something like this happened to us in Germany.
This past Friday, we tabled in a small, Dutch town. Most of the older generation here only speak Dutch, so most of the Bibles handed out were to the young people who could read and speak both English and Dutch. That evening, we attended a college meeting where some trainees shared experiences of how the Lord led them to the training so that the young people would consider going to the training in London after their undergraduate studies.
We distributed Bibles at KTH University in Stockholm, with 4 of the recipients requesting further contact. Five years ago when the labor first began on this campus there was no interest for the Bible among the students, so the saints are encouraged that the Lord is answering the faithful prayers of the saints to soften the students and increase their hunger for God’s word!
We went with one of the brothers in Barcelona to distribute Bibles at the University of Girona. After fellowship and blending with the brothers and sisters in Girona we all arrived at the campus for the Bible distribution. There weren’t many students on the campus due to exams but there we passed out about 15 Bibles to the students. We then had a larger time of overflow where the saints as well as the trainees shared our enjoyment and experience on the gospel in Girona as well as the rest of Spain.
We had a meeting with 45-50 saints in one city, including about 5 saints living thirty minutes away in another city. We all shared from the morning revival. There was a mutual flow of fellowship among us. The saints shared that they were very much encouraged to keep going on and were touched to hear that the Body of Christ is the same in the US as it is in this locality.