Lord, Be Our Life for Your Expression
God’s economy is His intention to dispense Himself into His chosen and redeemed people to be our life and nature so that we may be the same as He is for His corporate expression.
“Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Col. 1:27)
“When Christ our life is manifested, then you also will be manifested with Him in glory.” (Col. 3:4)
“The holy city, Jerusalem…having the glory of God.” (Rev. 21:10b-11a)
Southern California Young People’s Blending Meeting
This blending will be Saturday, March 5, from 7 to 9 pm at the church in Anaheim meeting hall at 1855 W. Ball Rd., Anaheim, CA 92804.
The Gospel on the College Campuses
Last Saturday evening the college students enjoyed an evening of blending and the ministry of the Word. They saw that the Lord could use them to preach the gospel with a little cooperation. Just as the Lord did not give up on Jonah or the people of Nineveh, He does not give up on us or the classmates He has placed around us. Please pray that the Lord would gain the cooperation of many “Jonahs” on the college campuses in LA to bring many sinners to salvation.
Life-Study Live in Hall 1
A Spanish-language Life-Study Live seminar will be held Saturday, March 5 in L.A. Hall 1. Those who listen to Life-Study of the Bible on the radio are invited. Please pray for the preparation for this seminar and for the preparation of many radio listeners to come.
Bibles for America
During the first quarter of 2016, Bibles for America has had much prayer and fellowship concerning projects for labor in the coming year. Projects under consideration include developing new online study tools for the public, reaching seekers in new ways with the Word and the ministry, and adding new titles to our free Christian books collection. Please pray that the Lord would lead BfA according to His desire and that many more of God’s children would discover and enjoy the storehouse of riches available in the Word and the ministry in 2016.
On March 5, Dick Taylor will fly to Africa. Over the next month, along with other brothers, he will visit South Africa, Uganda, Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria, and Ethiopia for shepherding and conferences. Saints from a total of 16 or 17 African countries will participate in the times of fellowship. Please pray that the brothers would be richly supplied and be one with the Lord in His wisdom to go in and out among His people. Pray for the Lord to gain His increase and testimony on that continent.
The labor continues with the refugees and on the college campuses. This work is centered on Frankfurt, Berlin, Stuttgart, and Düsseldorf. More than 50 from outside Germany participated in the first follow-up gospel trip, which ended last Saturday. The second follow-up trip begins Lord’s Day, March 6.
“Thank you for your prayers for Frankfurt. Twenty-five came to the gospel meeting [Feb. 21], of which fourteen stood up to pray and call on the Lord’s name. Thank the Lord for these precious vessels. May the Lord continue to gain the ones He is seeking for His testimony in Germany.”
Please pray for:
- the local saints to be bountifully supplied for coordinating and participating in all the activities;
- continuing contact and shepherding of the refugees to bring them to salvation and the church life;
- the Lord to raise up more translators for this work;
- the Lord to gain native Germans from the campuses and communities;
- new believers to participate in the 12 week Healthy Walk with God Class, and for many, saved or unsaved, to be reached by the 18 lesson basic German class.
German-speaking Young People’s Conference
The conference will be near Frankfurt, Germany on March 4 to 6.
The current two-page Lord’s Move to Asia newsletter has very positive reports from Bangladesh and Cambodia.
http://lmasia.org/temp/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/E-2016-02.pdf (English)
http://lmasia.org/temp/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Asia-2016-02.pdf (Chinese)
- Morning revival: Week 4 in The Church as the Temple of God—the Goal of God’s Eternal Economy (Thanksgiving Conference). After week 6 we will begin Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 5.
- High School Brothers’ Conference is March 18–20; registration deadline is March 6.
Junior High Brothers’ Conference is March 25–27; registration deadline is March 13.
Junior High Sisters’ Conference is April 1 to 3; registration deadline is March 20.
All are at Oak Glen. - The Lord’s move in Germany:
Reports are on a public Facebook page Germany Update http://facebook.com/germanyupdate. Information about follow-up gospel trips is at http://germany2016.amanatrust.org.uk.
Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at http://www.lordsmove.org/information.html.