International Chinese-Speaking Conference
The International Chinese-speaking Conference will be Friday evening, February 14 through mid-day Lord’s Day, February 16 in Anaheim. Meetings are open to all; there will be translation into English, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Please pray that the Lord will take more crucial steps in the advancement of His purpose during this gathering.
FTTA Gospel Trips
All the trips concluded this Monday (Feb. 10) except for the Philippines (see below). Please pray for continuing contact with all who received literature or New Testaments and with all who came to seminars, personal times, or home meetings.
L.A. City College
Our LACC Bible Club has been very active in Bible study and student-led Recovery Version distribution in campus in the recent three semesters. Six students are active in club activity and three of them are in the church life. The spring semester begins this week. Please pray that:
- The Lord gain these 6 core-students as a vital group while they are preparing for the new semester through prayer, fellowship and pursuing Christ.
- The home to contain new ones from this club would be consecrated to gain them as remaining fruits.
- The Lord would begin a Korean-speaking Bible study through this club.
“Life-Study Live” in Hall 1
On March 1 there will be “Life-Study Live” in hall 1. This is a presentation to Spanish-language listeners of the Life-Study on the radio. The Spanish-speaking saints in hall 1 will host this seminar with support from other districts in Los Angeles. Please pray for 1) the Lord prepare the hearts of our radio listeners as good earth where Christ may grow in life, and 2) the saints laboring in preparation for this seminar.
FTT London
The spring semester begins this week. Six new trainees joined the FTTL from 4 countries, making a total of 37 trainees from 10 countries. Please pray for a strong exercise of the spirit with the pursuing of the truth, the growth in life, and the practice of the God-ordained way.
South Africa
Dick Taylor leaves for South Africa this week. He will be in church meetings there and fellowship with many individual saints and couples. The next two weeks he will teach a class at FTT Pretoria then be in the national conference. Please ask the Lord to:
- use these weeks to strengthen His move in South Africa and in the whole continent;
- raise up many in the FTT to serve Him throughout Africa;
- richly supply saints shepherding the large number of new people and saints caring for the FTT.
The Lord has blessed the church in Madrid with increase, which includes more children than we can adequately take care of in the current meeting hall. The church is again actively looking for a larger and more adequate place.
The FTTA gospel trip coincided with the arrival of 8,400 Bibles. Distributions took place in Madrid and Girona. Our burden now is to train saints in every locality by going out to distribute the Recovery Version with them and leaving them some Bibles so that they can go out on their own.
Please pray that:
- the Lord guide the brothers in Madrid and give them wisdom in decisions regarding the meeting hall;
- all the localities in the Iberian Peninsula pick up the burden to distribute the Recovery Version for the increase of all the churches.
A one-page report from Spain is at at
Here are a few sentences from the team that is visiting the devastated area of the Philippines.
(one report) We are visiting various localities on this island during the day to preach the gospel, knock on doors, and fellowship with the saints. We visited a church where their meeting hall and homes were damaged beyond repair by the earthquake. The next day we visited a town to knock on doors. There are saints there, but no church yet. Lord, flow through us as channels of life today!
(about a one-day visit to a locality) We were greeted by happy saints against the backdrop of an under-construction meeting hall collapsed by the recent typhoon. We spent the whole day with them: going to market, helping with construction, fellowshipping, eating lunch and dinner, getting to know the children, and spending time at the beach (clear water, mountain views, awesome sky).
We came to realize many things that the Body having many members and the Body being one is real. When one member of the Body hurts, the other members and the whole Body hurt. It was evident that they are hurt, devastated, and in pain with many needs to be met, but it was also evident that they are happy and satisfied in the Lord and in the Body. They welcomed us warmly with their smiles, fresh food, but most importantly, with their sweet, indispensable portion of Christ.
Prayer burdens:
- More blending in the churches here during these difficult times.
- The strengthening of the saints for the Lord’s testimony despite all their suffering.
- Much reaping of the harvest while people are more open and seeking.
- For the gospel to be preached in a prevailing way.
- Morning revival: week 6 of The Mending Ministry of John (Thanksgiving conference). After week 6 we will begin Genesis (winter training).
- Gifts marked for Philippines relief may be given to the church or to Lord’s Move to Europe.
- There will be a Chinese-speaking tour of Israel and Jordan March 24 to April 3. Saints must have a US or Canadian passport to apply. Details are at
- There will be a Russian-speaking conference March 28 to 30 in Sacramento. Information in English and Russian is at
- There will be a Conference and Tour in Israel May 8 to 18 in English, Spanish, and Russian. Information in English and Spanish is at