The Center of the Divine Administration
Revelation 8:3, “Another Angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer, and much incense was given to Him to offer with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne.”
Christ’s interceding life is the center of the divine administration and the execution of His government on earth. After resurrection and ascension, the individual Christ has become the corporate Christ; today the corporate Christ, the Head with the Body, is interceding. To participate in this interceding life, we should be in God; we should be satisfied by eating holy food; our natural life should be reduced to ashes by fire from the bronze altar; and we should pray with Christ as the incense. (winter training, message 5)
Southern California Spanish-Speaking Conference
The annual conference for Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California will be held in Anaheim from Friday evening, January 15 to Lord’s Day noon, January 17. At the same time, we will have meetings for the children. Details in English y español are at
These days are for the seeking of the Lord’s blessing through fellowship on His up-to-date speaking and present burden. The messages will be given in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish and the meetings are open to all the saints.
Southern California Young People’s Blending Conference
This conference will be January 15 to 17 in Anaheim, simultaneously with the Spanish-speaking Conference. May the Lord superabundantly pour out His rich blessing on this special conference.
Please continue to pray that:
- the Lord would raise up the workers to be sent into this harvest;
- the churches and saints in Germany be encouraged and revived;
- many Muslims and Europeans would receive the gospel and be brought into the church life;
- all in the recovery would lay hold of this situation for the building up of God’s house;
- the Lord would protect His present move from the attack of the evil one, Satan.
South Africa
The FTTA gospel trip to South Africa is January 15 through February 1.
Argentina, Brazil, and Chile
The FTTA gospel trips to Argentina, Brazil, and Chile begin later this week and end about February 1.
Please pray for the ongoing seminars in Bucharest, Resita, and Deva-Hunedoara to contact the readers of the ministry, and pray for the organic increase of the churches through these seminars.
- Morning revival: Week 21 in Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 4. Hold on to your copy of Material Offerings and the Lord’s Move Today. We will use it more in the coming months.
- The International Chinese-speaking Conference is February 12 to 14 in Anaheim. Information is at (Chinese) and (English). There will be translation to English, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese.
- Two-week follow-up gospel trips to Germany will be February 14 until July 1. The main purposes of these trips are to shepherd the new contacts and to distribute Bibles. Further information is at
- Those who are burdened to give in support of the gospel work in Europe can download instructions at Click on the link “Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe.”