Praying with the Interceding Christ
In Exodus 17:8-16 Israel fought with Amalek. Amalek’s purpose in attacking Israel was to frustrate them from entering the good land. Likewise, Satan’s aim in stirring up the flesh to fight against us is to keep us from entering into the full enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ.
Moses lifting up his hand on the mountaintop typifies the ascended Christ interceding in the heavens, and Joshua typifies Christ as the indwelling Spirit fighting against the flesh. Amalek was defeated by Israel through the supply of the manna (ch. 16) and the living water (17:1-6) and by the lifting up of Moses’ hands and the fighting of Joshua. Likewise, we are victorious over the flesh by eating and drinking Christ as our life supply and by praying with the interceding Christ and putting the flesh to death with Christ as the fighting Spirit. (extracts from Exodus 17:8, note 2 and 17:11, note 1)
Southern California Spanish-Speaking and YP Conferences
The Southern California Spanish-speaking conference is January 23 to 25. Simultaneously there will be a Southern California young people’s conference. Both will be in the MCC in Anaheim. Meetings will be Friday night, Saturday afternoon and night, and Lord’s Day morning.
Ask the Lord to encourage many saints to attend both conferences. Young people and serving saints must register by January 18. Ask the Lord to stir the young people to register.
FTTA Gospel Trips
Thirty-seven teams of 5 to 11 people, a total of 270 saints, are going out on gospel and blending trips to North America, Europe, South America, and Asia. Two teams are already in place, two depart this week, and the others depart next week. The teams are mostly FTTA trainees plus a few midage trainees and some serving saints.
The traveling saints will coordinate and blend with the local churches; experience full-time life and service outside the training center; encourage others to attend the trainings; and preach the gospel, announce the truth, and distribute literature.
FTTA Gospel Trip to India (a report from an L.A. trainee)
All of our team arrived safely in New Delhi on January 9th. On the 10th, we took a bus ride to the city of Jalandhar which is eight hours from Delhi. It’s in the province of Punjab. This is the target city of our gospel trip. We will be staying here for two weeks.
On the bus ride to Jalandhar, we sang hymns to the passengers and shared some of our testimonies. We called on the name of the Lord together and some passengers were very positive toward us. There was a couple who were very much interested in us and they invited us to share our gospel to a university two hours from Jalandhar where one is a teacher and one is a chancellor.
On the 11th, we got to meet the saints who have been laboring in Jalandhar. There are FTT Taipei and FTT New Delhi trainees and local saints from other cities; they have already been propagating in Jalandhar about two weeks. We all are in six sub-teams who go out to different areas of the city for propagation. The goal is to gain six local families to be at the first Lord’s Table of the church in Jalandhar on January 25th.
FTTA Boston Extension
The Boston term starts January 19. In the fall term there were 36 trainees. Two trainees from L.A. were in the fall term and will continue in the spring term. The training includes truth pursuit, campus work, blending with local saints, and interactions with the training in London. A two page report is at
Czech Republic
Beginning on January 17, six monthly seminars will be held in the Czech Republic to shepherd ministry readers and seeking ones. The saints have been praying consistently for the increase in the Czech Republic, and they are happily involved in the preparations for the seminars. The prayer and the labor for the preparations have been very profitable for the Lord’s interests. Please pray for the seminars, for the follow-up and gaining of the seeking ones, and for new openings and new ways to distribute the ministry books in 2015.
January 16 to 18 we will have a few hundred elders, coworkers, and responsible brothers from all over the Philippines come together for a perfecting time with brothers Ron Kangas and Albert Lim. This will be at Malabon (FTT facility). Please remember this time in much prayer for the one new man to become more of a reality in this time. Please pray also for the Lord’s shining in fellowship about practical needs.
A young people’s perfecting training was held 26th to 28th December in three cities. In total 45 local saints partook of this training. The burden is to help the brothers and sisters to know God’s economy, and realize that Christ is versus religion, that they can remain in the line of life of the Lord’s recovery, practice to live the corporate God-man living in the reality of the Body of Christ, and to become His testimony in each locality. The Lord really gave us a new revival and new beginning.
- Morning revival: week 5 of Vision, Practice, and Building Up
- The Southern California Spanish Speaking Conference will be January 23 to 25 in Anaheim. There will also be children’s meetings. Información en español and English is at
- The Southern California Young People’s Blending Conference will be January 23 to 25 in Anaheim, concurrent with the Spanish-Speaking Conference. Register at Registration deadline is January 18.
- The 2015 National College Training will be July 12 to 18. Please visit for information and instructions on how to register.