One Flock, One Shepherd
“I have come that they may have zoe life and may have it abundantly. I am the good Shepherd; the good Shepherd lays down His psuche life for the sheep. And I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; I must lead them also, and they shall hear My voice, and there shall be one flock, one Shepherd.” John 10:10b-11, 16
“He laid down His psuche life on our behalf, and we ought to lay down our psuche lives on behalf of the brothers.” 1 John 3:16
The spring semester at CSUN begins this week. Please pray that:
- The Lord would strengthen and build up the student core and add many of the new ones to the church life in a solid way;
- The Lord would draw more students and families into the day-by-day and house-to-house church life around the campus;
- So that all could enter into a corporate fruit-bearing life under the Lord’s blessing.
International Gospel Trips
About 120 trainees plus 10 serving saints are now on international FTTA gospel trips. Nineteen teams (4 to 11 people each) are in Europe, visiting 14 nations and one team is in South Africa, all until January 30. Three other teams are in Brazil until February 3. Please continue to pray for:
- rich experiences of Christ in the living and serving of everyone who participates;
- testimonies which will encourage other saints to join full time trainings;
- much blending and good coordination of the visitors and local saints;
- the Lord’s blessing on the gospel and announcing of the truth.
The target cities for 2014 GTCA (Gospelize, Truthize, Churchize America) are:
Columbia, South Carolina; | Edinburg, Texas; | Fargo, North Dakota; |
Fayetteville, Arkansas; | Fort Myers, Florida; | Greeley, Colorado; |
Lafayette, Indiana; | Lexington, Kentucky; | Lincoln, Nebraska; |
Lubbock, Texas; | Merced, California; | Murfreesboro, Tennessee; |
Novato, California; | Olympia, Washington; | Omaha, Nebraska; |
Salem, Oregon; | Stillwater, Oklahoma; | Temecula, California; |
Virginia Beach/Newport News, Virginia. |
North American Gospel Trips
Friday, January 24, teams of saints will begin two-week visits to the GTCA cities to spread the gospel, teach the truth, distribute free BfA material, and help raise up churches. About 110 FTTA and middle-age trainees plus a a few serving saints will coordinate with local saints and those from nearby supporting churches for this time. Please pray that:
- The Lord would bless the coordination and blending between the teams and the local saints.
- The outward conditions, such as the weather, would be favorable for the labor in these cities.
- The Lord would prepare many seeking ones and would lead them to the saints and the enjoyment of the ministry.
Summer School of Truth in South America
The Summer School of Truth for churches in South America will be held in Brazil January 21 to 26. About 670 young people and serving saints are registered. This number includes over 220 from the churches in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Argentina and Uruguay and about 450 from Brazil. The general subject will be The Triune God and the Person and Work of Christ. Please pray for:
- The release of the Lord’s burden in every session, and the effectiveness of every small group session.
- The serving saints, that they will be able to convert doctrine into experience in their sharing in order to create an experiential impression of the truth in the young people.
- All the young people to be constituted with the truth so that they can become seeds of the gospel in their schools.
- The safe travel and health of all the participants.
- The accommodations at the camp site and the coordination of all the practical services.
- Pray for the Gospel move by FTT Taipei in Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, and Kampong Cham until January 23.
- Pray for the International Blending Conference in Phnom Penh January 24 to 26.
Pray for the raising up of golden lampstands in Jaipur and Lucknow through the coordination of FTT Taipei and FTT New Delhi.
- Morning revival: week 3 of The Mending Ministry of John (Thanksgiving conference).
- Gifts marked for Philippines relief may be given to the church or to Lord’s Move to Europe.
- There will be a Chinese-speaking tour of Israel and Jordan March 24 to April 3. Saints must have a US or Canadian passport to apply. Details are at