Continue Steadfastly in Prayer
“And they continued steadfastly in the teaching and the fellowship of the apostles, in the breaking of bread and the prayers.” (Acts 2:42)
The first group of believers continued steadfastly in four things: teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayers….Prayer is cooperation with the Lord in heaven for the carrying out of God’s New Testament economy on earth. (excerpt from Acts 2:42, note 1)
FTTA Gospel Trips
Teams of saints will go to cities in North America, South America, Europe, South Africa, and India. The trips will be 14 to 17 days long starting this week. Please pray that:
- The teams and local saints would be blended and coordinated together in spirit.
- The Lord would arrange many divine appointments between the saints and His seeking ones and would prepare many to receive His rich ministry.
- The Lord would use this time to add to the churches in each city, both through producing remaining fruit from the trips and by burdening saints to migrate.
Life-Study of the Bible Seminar at Haskell
Spanish-speaking radio listeners of Estudio-Vida de la Biblia have been invited to monthly seminars in various locations in Southern California. The January 26 seminar will be at Haskell with dinner followed by sharing from BfA and testimonies. There are radio announcements about this and letters were mailed to 350 listeners in San Fernando Valley. Please ask the Lord to supply in the practical preparations, to bring many hungry people, to nourish them, and to knit us with them.
Cal State University Channel Islands
The CSUCI spring semester starts on January 22nd. We will have a BfA table on January 25th. This semester we are planning to blend with several other campuses. Please pray for:
- Many seeking students to visit the BfA table and attend the Bible study
- Growth in the number of students in the Thursday night Bible study as well as in the Saturday night college/young adult home meeting
- Faculty sponsorship so that the club can be permanently registered as a CSUCI student organization
- Blending with other college campuses to strengthen and encourage the CSUCI students
Full-time Training in Pretoria, South Africa
The first term of the Full-time Training in Pretoria (FTTP) will begin March 4. FTTP will be the first training center in Africa and is intended to serve the young seekers of the Lord in the churches in Africa who are willing to offer themselves to be trained to be useful vessels for the Lord’s interest and move on this continent and on the whole earth.
We are expecting between 12 and 15 trainees to begin in 2013, primarily from within South Africa. We are expecting to receive trainees from the rest of Africa in future terms. Please stand with us in prayer: that the Lord would:
- bring additional suitable applicants;
- strengthen and supply those already accepted, as some are encountering opposition because of their decision to attend;
- be the wisdom and supply for carrying out the practical administration and affairs of the FTTP;
- meet the financial needs of the training, including the monthly expenses for each trainee, travel costs of the visiting trainers, and other ongoing expenses of the training.
Blending Center in Istanbul, Turkey
Last week we completed the purchase. However, when we went to the deed office we learned that, since we are foreigners, there will be a 3-4 week delay. The owner agreed to accept a large partial payment now and to let us use the property right away, with the remaining payment when the government approves the purchase. Remodeling begins this week and a family will move in at the end of the month. Donations to help with this project can be made to the church designated for Blending Center in Istanbul.
Please pray for the Lord’s move here.
Noida is a city in northern India. From January 26 to February 17 saints from overseas will join local saints to propagate in this city. We hope that the Lord would establish His lampstand on February 17.
Chandigarh another city in northern India. A group of overseas and local saints will propagate here the same time as in Noida. Through such a corporate living and moving of the God-man, we hope that the Lord can establish His testimony in Chandigarh before the end of February.
- Morning revival: week 7 of Taking the Lead as Elders and Responsible Ones. After week 8, we will begin Prayer and the Lord’s Move (Thanksgiving conference).
- The International Chinese-speaking Conference will be Friday, February 15 through Lord’s Day, February 17. Child care is available for kindergarten through sixth grade; children must be registered in your district in L.A. by January 29. Details are at
- The report about Europe distributed at the winter training, and other fellowship about Europe, is available at
- The spring college conference will be March 8 to 10 in Anaheim. The initial deadline to register will be February 24.