God’s Plan and Our Prayer
“Therefore 1beseech the Lord of the harvest that He would thrust out workers into His harvest.” (Matt. 9:38)
note 1: First, in His economy God has a plan to accomplish; then there is the need for His people to beseech Him, to pray to Him, concerning it. In answering their prayer, He will accomplish what they have prayed concerning His plan.
Life-Study of the Bible Seminar at Haskell
Almost 100 Spanish-speaking radio listeners of Estudio-Vida de la Biblia attended the seminar last Saturday. The seminar included dinner, singing, a message on The Bountiful Supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ for Expressing Him, and testimonies from about ten listeners. Twenty-five of the listeners want further contact. Lord, we beseech You to thrust out workers into this harvest of Yours.
UCSB Report
January 16 to 18 was Recovery Version NT distribution and gospel time on the UCSB campus. Nine from L.A. joined the local students and community saints. Sixty NTs were distributed. Twenty-three students (twice the number who attend Wednesday night meetings) attended the Friday afternoon picnic. We also had positive times with a UCSB professor and time in the home of a community couple.
Pneumamedia (Life-Study Radio Broadcast)
Last week we sent a survey card to over 2,000 radio listeners in Southern California who called for a free Recovery Version NT in the past 3½ years in response to the radio program. We also sent another envelope, “For Your Family & Friends” filled with numerous BfA gospel tracts, as well as English and Spanish radio cards for the recipients to give away.
Please pray for the ones receiving this mailing that the Lord will work in their environment and in their heart to enlighten them and cause them to pursue Him. Ultimately we pray that the Lord will use the radio program to find those He is seeking after in Southern California, connect them with the churches in their area, and build up the Body of Christ.
FTTA Gospel Trip to Europe
About 100 trainees from FTTA and the Boston extension are in Europe January 24 to February 7. They are joined by trainees from FTTL. One purpose of their visit is to help with the follow-up of the recent NT Recovery Version distribution in the UK and other European countries. The majority are in London and the nearby churches; small teams are in France, Germany, and Spain. They conducted NT distributions in London in recent days. In each distribution 65 to 98 NTs were given out in about two with over 60% of the recipients wanting further contact.
Please pray that the Lord:
- will bless the labor by setting up many appointments and Bible studies with the NT recipients.
- will reap a bountiful harvest wherever the seed of His word is sown.
FTTA Gospel Trips
Besides Europe, FTTA teams are in North America, South America, South Africa, and India. A list of all the trips and number of participants is posted at http://beseeching.org. Reports will be posted there during the trips.
- Morning revival: week 8 of Taking the Lead as Elders and Responsible Ones. After week 8, we will begin Prayer and the Lord’s Move (Thanksgiving conference).
- The International Chinese-speaking Conference will be Friday evening, February 15 through Lord’s Day morning, February 17. Details are at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.
- The report about Europe distributed at the winter training is available at http://www.lordsmove.org/reports.html.
- The spring college conference will be March 8 to 10 in Anaheim. The initial deadline to register will be February 24.