Love His Appearing
“Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ in incorruptibility.” (Eph. 6:24)
“Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, with which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will recompense me in that day, and not only me but also all those who have loved His appearing.” (2 Tim. 4:8).
In 2 Timothy 3:1-4 the difficult last days are characterized by men who are lovers of self, lovers of money, lovers of pleasures, but not lovers of God. May we exercise to be saved from all other loves to love the Lord and His appearing.
Summer School of Truth
This summer we will seek to prove, to appreciate, and to learn how to enjoy the Bible as God’s living Word! Please pray for this.
We also desire that this summer school be the starting point of involvement of many more parents and a beginning of bringing young people into a continuing, vital, house-to-house church life, both in their own homes and in other homes. Please pray also for this.
The Experience of Life
Due to the Lord’s up-to-date speaking, the Spanish-speaking churches and districts throughout Southern California are using one year to read the book “The Experience of Life.” They have a daily reading schedule. Saints will gather in 8 clusters once every two months, beginning mid-August 2013 and ending mid-June 2014, to speak a review what they have read. Please petition the Lord to grant much experience and growth in life through this reading and these gatherings.
College Trainings
This is the week of the midwest and east coast college trainings on The Lord’s Coming.
- Fourteen of the 17 FTT London graduates are burdened to serve beginning in the fall of 2013. Four of the 14 FTTA-XB (Boston) graduates are ready to migrate to Europe, and several others will follow later. Please pray for the Lord’s rich supply to each of these graduates, for their blending with all the current serving ones and the saints in Europe, and for the Lord’s abundant blessing on all their labor.
- The reports distributed at the training in Anaheim are at
Nordic Conference
The 2013 Nordic Conference will be July 19 to 21 in Oslo, Norway.
FTT Tokyo
(a report from FTT Tokyo trainee Yuki Goto, formerly in L.A. hall 5)
Thank you so much for your prayers for FTTTk! It has been 9 years since the full-time training started in Tokyo. This spring 11 new trainees (5 brothers and 6 sisters) joined, forming the largest incoming class in the history of FTTTk. The attack from the enemy was severe, including strong opposition from relatives, tragedy in the family, financial difficulties, and health problems. However, the Lord not only kept their consecrations but even made them stronger by using these attacks. Please pray for us that we may continue the training in all-sufficient grace!
- Morning revival: week 1 of The Completing Ministry of Paul (Memorial Day Conference).
- On June 8 and 23 there were fellowship meetings regarding the care of our children and young people. Their content is derived from the book Raising Up the Next Generation for the Church Life, published by LSM. Audio recordings are at
- Remember the web site, with an overview of the recovery, some history, ministry portions, and testimonies from Christian leaders.