Experiencing the Indwelling Christ
“I bow my knees unto the Father…that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit into the inner man, that Christ may make His home in your hearts through faith.” (Eph. 3:14, 16-17a)
Father, strengthen us into our inner man every day that Christ may make His home more in our hearts.
Increase in L.A.
Lord, flow Your riches out to bring people to Yourself and to fellowship in the church life. Flow out of us to classmates, family, neighbors, friends, and work associates. Lord, grant an increase to 1000 people participating in the church life in L.A. this year.
Los Angeles Young People
The Summer School of Truth concluded last Saturday. Please pray that the young people in Los Angeles would have a strong continuation in three areas: 1) Reading their Bible in a regular way to enjoy the Lord’s presence; 2) Having a companion; and 3) Loving the Lord. The prayers of the saints were a strong contributing factor to the blessing of the Summer School of Truth and we pray that this prayer would continue to sustain them throughout this next school year. Please pray that this school year will be the best school year yet for each one.
“Greet Tryphaena and Tryphosa, who labor in the Lord. Greet Persis, the beloved sister, one who has labored much in the Lord.” (Rom. 16:12) May many saints follow these examples and give some time each week to “labor in the Lord” on the internet by presenting truths of this ministry, supporting others’ presentations, or testifying their experiences of Christ, so that there will be a positive flow of life and truth to push down false and foolish information.
The church in Addis Ababa expected 800 from within Ethiopia for the weekend conference, plus 180 from outside Ethiopia. Eventually 3000 Ethiopians registered and some had to be turned away due to the capacity of the meeting facility—2550 people! When Dick Taylor and James Lee reached Addis, they sensed both much joy among the saints there for the huge response and also an atmosphere of spiritual battle.
The conference was The Controlling Vision in the Bible, using messages 2 to 5 from The Completing Ministry of Paul. Please pray for the watering of the seed sown in this conference, even among those who could not attend due to the capacity limit. Pray also for the Lord’s further move throughout Africa.
European Young People’s Conference
The conference is in Poland this week. Please beseech the Lord for an atmosphere of truth, love, blending, and enjoyment that imparts light and life, and builds up and inspires the young people to consecrate their lives to the Lord and take positive directions in their Christian walk.
Please continue to pray that the Lord will have mercy on the large numbers of readers of the free literature distributed by Rhema and will shepherd many of them through the local saints and full-timers into the church life.
- Morning revival: week 3 of The Completing Ministry of Paul (Memorial Day Conference).
- Southern California Young People: Saturday, August 31, from 9 am through dinner there will be a perfecting time in Arcadia for junior high young people. After dinner all young people grades 7 to 12 are invited to a blending meeting. Details will be announced later.