Summer Training
Please beseech the Lord for continuing fresh vision and infusion from Genesis to everyone who has completed the training and to those who are or will be in video trainings.
Antelope Valley
In Antelope Valley (Palmdale, Lancaster, and nearby towns) we have weekly prayer and group meetings. In fellowship with Los Angeles, we decided to have the Lord’s Table here once per month. Please pray that the Lord move here in a solid and expanding manner to raise up a full church life.
Our second Lord’s Table will be July 14 at 5 pm. If you want to attend this or other meetings, please contact Henry Coronado, or Mark Andersen, 818-294-0178.
College Trainings
Approximately 420 saints are gathered in Northern California for the West Coast College Training this week, concerning the Lord’s Coming. This includes at least 54 saints from Los Angeles (14 serving ones and 40 students) plus 4 students and a serving one from Santa Barbara. The smaller midwest and east coast college trainings will be next week, also on the Lord’s Coming. Please pray that the Lord would:
- Gain the students’ full consecration to the Lord to be a factor to bring the Him back
- Develop each student’s personal relationship with Him
- Strengthen the students’ exercise of the spirit in their daily life
- Cause the students to incite one another to rise up and take the lead to bear fruit on their campuses
- Shepherd and inspire the incoming freshmen to give their college years fully to the Lord
Japan (a report from FTT Tokyo trainee Yuki Goto, formerly in L.A. hall 5)
Since 2 years ago, many saints, including FTTA and FTT Taipei trainees, saints from the all over the U.S. and from Korea, visited Sendai to preach the gospel to the tsunami victims. The Lord opened a way for the gospel in the city of Ishinomaki, which is north of Sendai and was greatly damaged by the tsunami. Since last year, we have been door-knocking the temporary houses set up for the tsunami victims. Last fall, a meeting hall in Ishinomaki was established. More than 200 people came to monthly gospel meetings, more than 10 have been baptized, and four are very solid in the Lord. They have meetings every Thursday and Lord’s day with the saints in Sendai in the new meeting hall. Brothers are fellowshipping to start the Lord’s table in Ishinomaki and establish the golden, shining lampstand there.
We have also been preaching the gospel to victims in Onagawa and Sanriku to bring the real hope to them.
Human history includes much turmoil in Egypt last month and this. Lord, spread Your truth there as part of the divine history.
- Morning revival:
July 8 to 14: summer training verses or week 7 of Daniel and Zechariah, with prophesying from both
July 15 to 21: week 1 of The Completing Ministry of Paul (Memorial Day Conference). - On June 8 and 23 there were fellowship meetings regarding the care of our children and young people. Their content is derived from the book Raising Up the Next Generation for the Church Life, published by LSM. Audio recordings are at