The Increase of Christ by Ministering Life to Others
“I am the vine; you are the branches. He who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)
The church is altogether a matter of life, because the church is the organism of the Triune God as the Body of Christ and as the vine with the branches; our work, speaking, fellowship, service, ministry, message, Bible study, and prayer must be in the flow and imparting of life. (Memorial Day msg 3, III.B.)
“Which man of you, who has a hundred sheep and has lost one of them, does not leave the ninety- nine in the wilderness and go after the one which is lost until he finds it? And when he finds it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing.” (Luke 15:4-5)
In order to minister life to others and recover the dormant saints among us, we must have the loving and forgiving heart of our Father God and the shepherding and seeking spirit of our Savior Christ. (Memorial Day msg 3, V.)
Radio Listeners’ Seminar in Anaheim
Saturday, June 18 there will be a light dinner and presentation for English-speaking listeners of Life-study of the Bible on KBRT. Ask the Lord to prepare and bring many listeners who will absorb the word spoken and seek continued contact.
European Union Referendum in United Kingdom
The EU Referendum to be held on June 23 will decide if the United Kingdom remains in the
European Union. It is a decision that will affect everyone and its potential impact on the Lord’s interests could include freedom of movement (for trainings at Bower House) and visa regulations (for saints moving to Europe). Please pray for heavens to rule over the outcome of the referendum for the sake of the Lord’s move in Europe.
Last Saturday, June 11, fifteen trainees graduated from the Full-Time Training in London. Please pray that the Lord would richly bless and lead them in their future life and service; that all the trainees would continue to to be living and functioning members in the Body; and that the Lord would gain a new crop of first-term trainees from the UK and the rest of Europe.
The Lord superabundantly blessed the conference held in Thessaloniki last month (May 20–22).
Many saints came to blend with us, giving the conference the impact to encourage all our contacts and the saints from other surrounding small localities. It might be hard to imagine, but to have 70 saints in one place exercising their spirit can be a big supply to localities that are used to having only seven.
The conference coincided with the final literature distribution trip for refugees in Greece for the foreseeable future. We were blessed to have been able to participate in this move of the Lord. We received and co-labored with saints from all over the world in all kinds of difficult, unfamiliar, and new situations. We believe that much building took place in addition to all the seeds of the gospel of the kingdom that were sown among the refugees.
We are now going out weekly near the university campus to distribute the Recovery Version in English. Our prayer is that the Lord will fill our hands with English-speaking Greeks who will be reconstituted with the truths, acquire a taste for the ministry, and join themselves to the testimony of Jesus in this city.
- Morning revival: Week 34 in Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 6. June 20 to 25, week 35; June 27 to July 2, week 36
- The 2016 Summer Training will be July 4–9 in Anaheim. Registration for video ($80) and late registration for Anaheim ($205) are open until June 14: go to
- The L.A. Summer School of Truth will be on the Two Spirits; the dates are July 22 to 30. Schedule and registration are at
- The European YP Conference will be July 29 to August 4 in Poland;
- The Lord’s move in Germany:
Reports are on a public Facebook page Germany Update Information about follow-up gospel trips is at
Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at