The Spirit of Reality: He will Convict and He will Guide
For the raising up of the new man, ask the Lord for more convicting of sinners in Los Angeles and for more guiding of both new and long-time believers into the riches of Christ.
Middle-Age FTTA
This Saturday 35 will graduate from the middle-age full-time training. Ask the Lord to draw each graduate to follow Him wherever He will go and to richly infuse them in their following.
Pray also for more new trainees to come in September so that the number in the training increases.
BfA Korean Bible Seminar
We have been hosting BfA Bible seminars in Korea Town since last fall. These seminars are for the many seeking ones who received Recovery Version Bibles through our distributions or who are connected with us as friends or co-workers. The Lord is using these seminars especially to gain young families and working ones. Some of them are coming to home meetings, some of them already came to the table meeting through further contacts and shepherding.
Last Saturday, 29 new ones joined this seminar. This was the largest number ever, and the majority of them were young (20~30) as we prayed. Hallelujah! Please pray that:
- the Lord vitalize Korean saints to shepherd these new ones to gain them as remaining fruit eventually.
- the Lord take care of families that have children. Lord, preserve these children through household salvation!
- this ministry could reach all the seeking ones in L.A. through the Recovery Version Bible.
Southern California Chinese-speaking Gospel
The gospel meeting will take place in Arcadia on Saturday, June 21. There will be a gospel truth forum 4 to 6 pm, then dinner, then testimonies and a gospel message 7 to 8:30 pm. The subject for gospel message is “Freedom Indeed” from John 8:36. Please pray for the participation of the churches and the release of all the “captives,” that they can believe into the Lord and received the true freedom in Him.
The Church in Murfreesboro, Tennessee
We will have a conference the afternoon of June 21 through mid-day June 22. We will have our first Lord’s Table the morning of Lord’s Day, June 22. Two families from Los Angeles migrated to Murfreesboro in recent years.
Dick Taylor and Craig Birchler are in Melbourne until Wednesday. Dick will then go on to Sydney to prepare for the following week and to be with the brothers in Sydney. Craig will go to Newcastle for a few days, then return home. James Lee will visit Brisbane, then go home.
Please pray for a rich supply to these brothers and for proper rest and good health for each one.
FTT London
Last Saturday 15 trainees graduated from FTTL. The graduating trainees plus 3 who graduated last December represent 11 countries. Ten have the burden to serve full time. Please pray that:
- the abounding grace of the Lord will be with them from now until the day the He appears’
- the Lord will grace them to live as a God-man, denying their self, their natural man, and their old man by the power of Christ’s resurrection so that they may live Christ, magnify Christ, and walk and work with Christ by the bountiful supply of the all-inclusive Spirit, for the carrying out of God’s eternal economy;
- those who have the burden to serve full time will have a way practically to enter into the glorious service of the Lord for the spreading of the Lord’s testimony in Europe.
Trainees from the Full-time Training New Delhi (FTTND) will have a two-week intensive propagation in five cities – New Delhi, Gurgaon, Chennai, Noida and Ghazhiabad. This will happen June 16 to 29. The trainees will learn to coordinate with the local saints and to raise up new districts in each city.
- Morning revival: Week 4 of The Intrinsic Significance of the Church.
- The Summer School of Truth in Los Angeles will be July 18 through 26. Meetings will be in hall 5.
- Donations for the FTTA relocation/enlargement may be given to the church, designated for “FTTA Training Center.” Details are in the Information section of