“Out of the mouth of infants and sucklings You have perfected praise” Matt. 21:16
Lord’s Day, June 23rd, there will be an important time of fellowship for all Spanish-speaking saints and for anyone burdened for the Lord’s move among the Spanish-speaking community. This fellowship will be regarding the importance and preciousness of the children and young people. The meeting will be held at Hall 1 at 10:00 am, June 23rd, at 1743 W. Adams Blvd, Los Angeles 90018. Spanish speaking saints from Hall 1, Hall 2, Inglewood, Santa Monica, and Culver City are invited. The meeting will last until 1:00 pm.
Please pray that the Lord would care for all the children and young people and would raise up many as the praising “babes and sucklings” (Psa. 8:2) to silence the enemy and strengthen the Lord’s testimony of oneness in the Los Angeles area. Also pray that there would be a good continuation for the care of the children and young people after this fellowship.
For the saints awareness, it is helpful to know that 48% of the population in Los Angeles and approximately 72% of the Los Angeles Unified School district students (elementary and high schools) are from a Spanish-speaking background. This year was also the first year that students from a Spanish-speaking background comprised the largest number of applicants to the University of California education system. There will be Spanish translation for both the speaking and the outlines.
Ushers will be helping to give directions of where to park since about 170 people are expected to come. This time will be comprised of the Lord’s table, fellowship by brother Tom Goetz with some other brothers, a time for mutual sharing, and a love feast afterwards.
Middle-Age Training
This is the last week of the spring term. Please ask the Lord to supply and lead:
- the graduating trainees concerning where they will live and serve;
- the first term trainees to continue pursuing through the summer and concerning returning in the fall;
- many middle-age couples and single saints to give themselves to participate in the fall term.
South Africa
Brother James Fite from Orange County is at FTT Pretoria this week and next. These two weeks focus on young people and campus work. His prayer request to us:
- that the content, burden, and spirit of these lessons be faithfully and clearly released in the sharing and received by the trainees.
- for the health and energy level of serving ones and trainees during this time.
United Kingdom
Regarding the follow-up from the NT Recovery Version distribution, please pray:
- For the Lord’s continuing supply to local saints and FTTL trainees for shepherding the seeking ones.
- That the Lord will continue to set up appointments and home meetings with the seeking ones and will bring many into the church life.
- For the Bibles for Europe training this Friday through Lord’s Day in London concerning Bible distribution and follow-up of those open for further contact.
Greece and Bulgaria
A brief report is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer. Please pray:
- That Lord will strengthen His testimony in Athens and keep the saints in the fellowship of the Body.
- That the Lord will continue to work in the seeking ones in Thessaloniki and cause them to be related in life and to meet together regularly so that a lampstand can be raised up in that city.
- For the Lord’s continued gathering of the seeking ones in Sofia, Bulgaria, with the possibility of a conference there in October.
- Morning revival: week 12 of Crystallization of Daniel and Zechariah. After week 12 we will repeat a few weeks before beginning The Completing Ministry of Paul, the Memorial Day Conference.
- Remember the web site http://an-open-letter.org, with an overview of the recovery, some history, ministry portions, and testimonies from Christian leaders.