An Open Letter
This internet site introduces the Christian public to the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee and the beliefs and practices of the local churches. The site’s dual aims are to dispel the various misrepresentations and to be a resource for those seeking to know the Lord’s recovery. This site has:
- A main page with an introduction, an affirmation of the common faith, a brief presentation of the Lord’s recovery, and a brief history of the Lord’s move beginning in China.
- Statements of respected Christians from a wide range of backgrounds to demonstrate a significant, positive view of the local churches.
- Extensive links to helpful material arranged according to the subjects in the letter.
- A comments page to foster constructive conversation, linking, and recommending.
We ask the churches and the saints to pray:
- For the impact and effectiveness of this site in turning back the negative and inaccurate impression of the Lord’s recovery spread on the Internet;
- That this site would help seekers of Christ—on campuses, at work, and in the communities—to disregard opposition and rumors to pursue Christ in an unhindered way;
- That additional respected Christians would add their testimonies to those included on this site; and
- That the site would reach the signers of the 2007 “open letter” [a negative view of the recovery] and cause more of them to reconsider their endorsement of it and agree to engage in dialogue.
Raising Up the Next Generation
Lord, use the time June 8 to grant us more refreshing and renewing in our care for the next generation. Enlarge our hearts to care for the children and young people according to You.
Antelope Valley
Thank you for your payers concerning the Lord’s advance in Antelope Valley (Palmdale, Lancaster, and nearby towns). The Lord has blessed these prayers with strengthening in the meetings and the opening of homes. We have weekly prayer and group meetings. In fellowship with Los Angeles, we decided to have the Lord’s Table here once per month. Please pray that the Lord move here in a solid and expanding manner to raise up a full church life.
The first two Lord’s Tables will be June 9 and July 14. If you want to attend these or other meetings, please contact Henry Coronado, or Mark Andersen, 818-294-0178.
Cal State University Channel Islands
Through much prayer, we started a campus Bible study in January 2012 with one student. In fall 2012, two transfer students came; an exploratory club was formed in September. Four to six students regularly met during the fall semester. In spring 2013, we received sponsorship from a faculty member and officially registered as CSUCI Christian Students club. The Bible study attendance grew to 10 to 14. During the past academic year, we also had various activities, such as hiking, horseback riding, kayaking, and a Big Bear retreat. We had two blending meetings with CSUN students. Four students attended the L.A. college students’ blending meeting and two attended the college conference in Anaheim. Many local saints opened their homes for Saturday night college students/young adults meetings. At the end of the spring 2013 semester, we have about 10 remaining fruits.
Dick Taylor, James Lee, and Craig Birchler are in Australia. They will be with the leading brothers in Sydney until Thursday afternoon, then go to Adelaide for the national serving saints’ training. This training, using the material from the ITERO in April, is from this Friday to next week Monday.
South Africa
June is the last month of the first term of FTT in Africa. Ask the Lord to fully supply all who are involved with the training. Brother Simpson Chen from Taipei is with them this week and next.
- The Lord really supplies us with His riches of His Body. We have sister Lisa with us. She is a final year student in the Turkish department in Taipei National Chengchi University. She is having her exchange program in Istanbul University until August. She serves with us in proof-reading our Turkish literature. We hope that work on the Rhema booklets can be done in one or two months and then go ahead to printing. Please pray for the publication of the Rhema materials in Turkish.
- We got the military clearance of our property purchase (necessary because we are foreigners) in April and completed this purchase. The total cost is US$299,917. Up to May 31 we received US$295,581 offering for this facility.
- Morning revival: week 10 of Crystallization of Daniel and Zechariah.
- Summer Training registration: late registration for Anaheim is possible but there is a $50 late fee in addition to the $155 donation. Video training registration is until June 9; donation is $80.
- Raising Up the Next Generation We invite all the parents and those who serve with the children in the church in Los Angeles to join us for a special fellowship. This is an important and strategic time to help us advance in our care for the children. The details are as follows:
- Saturday, June 8, 9:30 am – 1:30 pm at Hall 4 (854 West Adams, L.A. 90007)
- Registration: Register by June 1 at
- Food: Bring your lunch or sign up for a sandwich ($5/person).
- Childcare: We are attempting to organize childcare for children ages 4 and up
There will be international young people’s conferences in Brazil (July 18 to 22) and Poland (July 28 to August 3). To find out more information for prayer or possible attendance, go to or You can also visit to watch a short video from recent conferences in Brazil and Poland.