Summer Training
Genesis is a book containing all the seeds of the divine truths. All the divine truths in the whole Bible were sown in this book. (Life-study of Genesis, message 1)
Please beseech the Lord for a rich anointing on the speaking brothers and a spirit of wisdom and revelation in every trainee so that Genesis chapters 1 to 11 may be opened freshly and fully. Pray for a rich atmosphere in the Anaheim meetings, in the study groups, in hospitality, and in the video trainings.
Raising Up the Next Generation
On June 8 and 23 there were fellowship meetings regarding the care of our children and young people in Los Angeles. The content of these messages is derived from the book Raising Up the Next Generation for the Church Life, published by LSM. Audio recordings of some of these meetings are available at
We encourage all parents and all who are interested in caring for our children to listen to these recordings, and to pray for our children and young people to 1) become seeds of the gospel, 2) grow up into a proper humanity, and 3) be brought into a house-to-house church life.
FTTA Graduation
Pray for all the FTTA trainees who graduated last Saturday, that they will continue to pursue the Lord and be constituted useful to the Lord for the building up of His Body wherever the Lord may lead them.
College Training
Approximately 420 saints will gather in Northern California for the West Coast College Training, July 8-14, concerning the Lord’s Coming. This includes at least 54 saints from Los Angeles (14 serving ones and 40 students) plus 4 students and a serving one from Santa Barbara. The smaller midwest and east coast college trainings will be July 15 to 21, also on the Lord’s Coming. Please pray that the Lord would:
- Gain the students’ full consecration to the Lord to be a factor to bring the Him back
- Develop each student’s personal relationship with Him
- Strengthen the students’ exercise of the spirit in their daily life
- Cause the students to incite one another to rise up and take the lead to bear fruit on their campuses
- Shepherd and inspire the incoming freshmen to give their college years fully to the Lord
The Former Yugoslavia
The Lord’s ministry has been spreading in the former countries of Yugoslavia, especially in Croatia and Serbia. Recently, a group of serving ones in Europe visited groups of recipients of Rhema literature in Croatia and Serbia. In two cities in Croatia groups of 10 to 12 seekers are meeting regularly to read the ministry and pursue the Lord in the way of His recovery. One sister attended a one-week training in London, and several plan to attend. In Serbia a group of about 40, not including children, are meeting to enjoy the Lord with the exercise of their spirit. In May the seeking ones from these three cities gathered for a blending conference. That was a marvelous and monumental time for everyone.
Please pray that:
- the Lord will continue to sow the seed of the ministry in the former Yugoslavia and will gather His seeking ones to meet outside religion in the oneness of the Body of Christ.
- the Lord will supply the full-timers and the saints who are shepherding the seeking ones.
- through the supply of the ministry and the shepherding of the saints, the Lord will raise up lampstands in many cities in the former Yugoslavia.
Morning revival:
July 1 to 7: summer training verses or week 12 of Daniel and Zechariah, with prophesying from both
July 8 to 14: summer training verses or week 7 of Daniel and Zechariah, with prophesying from both
July 15 to 21: week 1 of The Completing Ministry of Paul (Memorial Day Conference).