FTTA’s fall term begins mid-August. Applications should be submitted by July 10 and the late application deadline is July 31. Please pray for all our recent college graduates who have decided to attend and for those who are considering attending. Please pray that:
- they would know the Lord’s clear speaking and be willing to obey (as Abraham did; Heb. 11:8)
- the Lord will work in the environment to overcome all outward obstacles;
- their families will be open to their attendance and that they will be a good testimony to their families;
- they will continue pursuing the Lord all summer by abiding in the vine, and by continuing steadfastly in the word, ministry, prayer, and church life.
FTTA Graduates
Pray for all those who will graduate June 28, that they may know and obey the Lord’s leading concerning whether to go to Boston, serve full time, to work, or go to graduate school. Pray also for their transition into a normal, healthy church life as they leave the training atmosphere.
New FTTA Facility
In August FTTA will move from Ball Road to larger facilities on the LSM campus. Please pray for wisdom to those overseeing and participating in the work, for timely delivery of materials, for sufficient skilled workers, and for grace to all the workers that the project may be completed on time. More information about this move is available in four languages at www.churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/.
Donations for the FTTA move may be given to the church, designated for “FTTA Training Center.”
Dick Taylor, James Lee, and Craig Birchler are in Adelaide through Tuesday for the respeaking of the ITERO messages on New Jerusalem spoken in Anaheim in April. This time is for all the responsible brothers in Australia.
Tuesday night through Friday they are in Sydney for fellowship with leading brothers. Beginning Friday night they will be in Melbourne for a conference with the church there.
Lisbon, Portugal
Since the Bible distribution in December, we have been contacting Bible recipients. Currently, we are enjoying very sweet and mutual appointments with three students. However, a heretical group here has approached our students and tried to speak to them. This surely is a battle, and we stand with the Lord to bind the enemy and his schemes. (Read more at at www.churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/.)
Please continue to pray that:
- those with whom we labor will see a controlling vision of God’s economy and be remaining fruit.
- the Lord will gain a key family and key students for the establishment of the church life this year.
- the Lord will bind the enemy, hide the new ones from lies, and release those whom He has chosen.
Greece and Bulgaria
The Lord is moving in two cities in Bulgaria. Some attended the international spring conference in London and a one-week training in London. Two plan to attend FTT London in the fall.
The saints in Thessaloniki, Greece asked us to move there—a Macedonian call like that in Acts 16:9-10. In response, two couples will move there this summer.
A one-page report about Bulgaria and Thessaloniki is at www.churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/. Please pray that:
- we will always be fresh, new, and living with the Lord in every aspect of this move;
- the Lord provide us with the right homes and that every need will be met;
- the Lord will maintain a line of supply, fellowship, and blending between Athens and Thessaloniki;
- lampstands be established in Thessaloniki, in Sofia, Bulgaria, and in other cities.
- Morning revival: Week 3 of The Intrinsic Significance of the Church.
- The Summer School of Truth in Los Angeles will be July 18 through 26.