Southern California Blending Conference March 14-15
The purpose of the blending is to usher us all into the reality of the Body of Christ. I treasure the local churches, as you do. But I treasure the local churches because of a purpose. The local churches are the procedure to bring me into the Body of Christ. The churches are the Body, but the churches may not have the reality of the Body of Christ. Thus, we need to be in the local churches so that we can be ushered, or brought, into the reality of the Body of Christ. (WL, Practical Points Concerning Blending, ch 1, sec 2)
Saturday, March 14, 4:00 to 5:45 pm and 7:00 to 8:45 pm (bring your own dinner)
Lord’s Day, March 15, 10:00 to 10:30 am Table and 10:30 am to 12:30 pm
College Conference
The Southern California College Conference is in Anaheim Friday evening through Lord’s Day lunch. The subject is The Gospel of the Kingdom. In Luke 4:43, the Lord Jesus said, “I must announce the gospel of the kingdom of God,” indicating that the kingdom is the center of the gospel.
South Africa
Dick Taylor arrived in South Africa March 1. He will participate in the church life in Pretoria, fellowship with many saints, and teach The Spirit class for two weeks at the full-time training there. (At this FTT, like some others outside Anaheim, trainees have one class full time for a two week period, followed by another class for the next two week period.)
Ten trainees completed FTT Pretoria last December. They were the first group to graduate. Almost no new trainees have come, so there are now 17 trainees. The roadblock: everyone who has applied to the training from other African nations had their visas denied by officials of the South African government.
Please pray for:
- Dick to be strengthened in every part of his being for his labor and ministry there,
- a strong and living atmosphere to be maintained in this training,
- the Lord to exercise His authority to grant visas for many more to come to the training.
South America
This term the full-time training in Caacupé, Paraguay has 15 new and 33 continuing trainees. The training requests that we ask the Lord to attract more young adults to come short term from every South American nation.
Saturday and Lord’s Day there will be a conference in Karachi along with the first Lord’s Table of the church in Karachi.
- Morning revival: week 3 of The Vision and Experience of Christ in His Resurrection and Ascension.
- In hopes to continue advancing corporately in our care for the next generation we are happy to announce the next young people’s serving ones training on March 21st, 9 am to 3 pm, at the church in Cerritos meeting hall. Register by March 15. There will be translation into Spanish, Chinese, and Korean.
- The joint meeting of the whole church in Los Angeles will be Lord’s Day, May 3.
- The Memorial Day conference will be Friday night, May 22 through Monday morning, May 25 in St. Louis. Conference information is at
- The 2015 National College Training will be July 12 to 18. Please visit for information and instructions on how to register.