“I exhort therefore, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings be made on behalf of all men.” (1 Tim. 2:1)
A prerequisite for having a proper church life in the Lord’s recovery today is to have a prayer life; a proper church is a praying church. (Week 6 outline, I.B)
Southern California College Conference Report
Just over 1,000 saints gathered in Anaheim for a wonderful college conference this past weekend on the church as God’s house. The heavens were truly opened to us and many newer ones as well as many who grew up in the church saw a real vision of the Father’s desire to have a house. Since the Father has opened this desire to us, we must give ourselves absolutely for this desire. Some critical words were released and need to be further solidified in the students through further prayer and fellowship. Please pray for this. Hallelujah!
Hall 4 (USC)
Please pray for the USC English-speaking spring break trip to Long Beach, San Bernardino, and Arizona, March 16 to 22. May we experience the real blending and building up of the Body of Christ as we visit the saints. Pray that the Lord will also cover our travel and may the Lord strengthen His move on those places as well!
Dick Taylor reported that the national conference in South Africa (March 1-3) was awesome, with the largest attendance ever.
Last week was the first week of the first term of the first FTT in Africa (FTT Pretoria, FTTP). Dick reported that the time was tremendous with good functioning. The training has 13 trainees full time for the whole term, 12 trainees full time for durations of one to a few weeks, and last week about 20 local saints came as visitors. Seven local brothers have joined in the speaking. Now is the second week of FTTP. James Lee is in Pretoria, South Africa to care for the training this week. Dennis Higashi will be there next week.
Dick Taylor will be in Uganda Tuesday through Friday and in Kenya Friday through next Monday. He is there for conferences with the churches in those nations.
Dick thanks us for all our prayers and said that they are being richly supplied. Let’s continue to pray for the traveling brothers and for the Lord’s spreading in Africa.
(from a report by Yuki Goto, formerly in LA hall 5, now in FTT Tokyo; his full report is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer)
The spring term of training beings with the college conference March 22 to 24 followed by pre-training week starting March 25. In Japan, trainees can only begin the training in a spring term. This time 10 have declared their decision to join, although Satan has raised circumstances a futile effort to weaken their consecration. Ten more could or should become trainees but are held back by family opposition, financial support, and other concerns. Saints, please pray that the Lord will release all the incoming trainees, who are written in His heart, and the ten who declared will be kept and even made more firm in the Lord. (In addition, there will be 5 second-year trainees including brother Yuki.)
Please pray that the Lord:
- will gain the right and useful vessels for His recovery in Greece, particularly young brothers who have a good command of English so that they can be constituted with the wealth of the ministry that is available in English.
- will gain an open home in Thessaloniki where the ministry readers and seekers can meet regularly, with the proper brothers who can take the lead to help them.
- will release the residence visas for the co-workers in a timely way.
A brief report from Greece is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.
Please continue to pray that the Lord will have mercy on the readers of the free literature distributed by Rhema and will shepherd many of them through the local saints and full-timers into the church life. (Rhema distributes literature in 19 European languages; see http://www.rhemabooks.org/eng/Language.)
- Morning revival: week 6 of Prayer and the Lord’s Move. After Prayer and the Lord’s Move we will use Crystallization of Daniel and Zechariah (winter training) which we will complete before the summer training.
- The Memorial Day conference will be May 24 to 27 in Atlanta, Georgia. There will be child care for K through 6th grade. Details are at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer. Please register in your district the children and the number of adults and young people attending by Lord’s Day, April 28.
- The Spring 2013 Russian-speaking conference will be April 5 to 7 in Sacramento. Registration deadline is March 24. Invitation letters (English and русский) are at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.