Living in the Divine and Mystical Realm
If we pray by living with God and moving with Christ, we pray from this Person and our prayers are divine…. There is a realm in this universe which is divine and mystical. The worldly people do not know this realm. They are in the physical, fallen, sinful, evil world. But we have been separated from being common; we have been sanctified and separated unto our God, who is holy. Now we are in the divine and mystical realm of the consummated Spirit. (The God-man Living, p. 96)
CSUN and UCLA Blending Trips
This Saturday, March 19, students from CSUN and UCLA will depart on their respective spring break blending trips. From CSUN, around 20 saints, including serving ones, will go to San Jose, California. From UCLA, a total of 60 saints will go on three simultaneous week-long trips: one to Chattanooga, Murfreesboro, and Knoxville, Tennessee; one to Salt Lake City, Utah; and one to Seattle, Washington and Vancouver, Canada. Please pray that:
- The Lord would cover all the practical arrangements;
- All the students who signed up would make it, especially the freshmen;
- The Lord would prepare all those who are going and grace all those who are receiving;
- Those going would be kept healthy in spirit, soul, and body;
- Those making the long drive to Utah would be kept safe and happy in the Lord;
- These trips would result in much blending and mutual encouragement.
Young People
One of the striking crystals in the recent Winter Training on Exodus was the matter of praying at the incense altar for the raising up of an army to meet the Lord’s need. As another generation of young people throughout Southern California is growing up among us, there is a pressing need for them to be gained for the future of the Lord’s recovery. May the Lord gain our young people to be those who “serve their generation” (Acts 13:36) and be those who understand the times in which they live (1 Chron. 12:32).
As we enter into the 2016 Spring conference season, please pray that the Lord would continue to impart vision and revelation into the young people. Also pray that the young people in every locality could be shepherded to have a personal pursuing of the Lord so that the desire of His heart would become the desire of their heart and the highways to Zion would be in them.
The High School Brothers Conference will take place this weekend, March 18-20, at Oak Glen.
The second follow-up trip will end this Saturday; 57 from outside of Germany are participating. Please pray for:
- the follow up of all the priority gospel contacts met in the first two trips as well as for new contacts to be made on this trip;
- the raising up and perfecting of the translators;
- those who are capable in the language among us to perfect the translators;
- the Lord to gain this harvest for Himself;
- the saints who live in Germany to know the bountiful supply of the Spirit to meet every need.
Frankfurt, Germany
We are in the process of leasing a meeting place for the church and the work. Please pray for the release of such a facility to meet the current need in the day-to-day church life in Frankfurt and in the work with the refugees and Bible recipients.
Spring European University Conference
This conference is March 18 to 21 in Wales.
This week, Dick Taylor and Tim Knoppe from Michigan are in Kampala, Uganda for visitations and a conference from Monday to Wednesday. On Thursday, March 17 they will fly to Nairobi, Kenya for more shepherding and a weekend conference. Please pray that the traveling, ministering brothers would be richly supplied and be one with the Lord in His wisdom to go in and out among His people. Pray for the Lord to increase the blending and strengthen His testimony in these countries.
- Morning revival: Week 6 in The Church as the Temple of God—the Goal of God’s Eternal Economy (Thanksgiving Conference). Next week we will begin Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 5.
- High School Brothers Conference is March 18–20; registration deadline was March 6. Junior High Brothers Conference is March 25–27; registration deadline was March 13. Junior High Sisters Conference is April 1-3; registration deadline is March 20. High School Sisters Conference is April 15-17; registration deadline is April 3. All are at Oak Glen.
- The International Memorial Day Conference will be held in Washington, D.C., from Friday, May 27 through Monday, May 30. Information is at
- The Lord’s move in Germany:
Reports are on a public Facebook page Germany Update Information about follow-up gospel trips is at
Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at