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“If man does not pray, God will not work; if no one prays, God has no work to do. At any given time God must find some people or a person to co-work with Him to pray for what He intends to do. If no one prays, God does not have a co-worker, and He cannot work.” (Witness Lee, The Meaning and Purpose of Prayer, p. 30)

Boston Training Facility

The Boston extension of FTTA is currently using the church in Cambridge meeting hall. Renovation of the property in Boston is in progress. The goal is to finish the work and get all city approvals by July so that the fall term of training can begin there in August.

The financial need for completion of the training facility is being presented to the churches in North America. Please ask the Lord to draw everyone to give themselves first to Him (2 Cor. 8:5), to partake of grace (v. 1, 6, 7), and to realize the joy of the Lord in giving (v. 2).

UCLA (Hall 5)

There are two spring break trips this week for the UCLA students. One group of 28 is in Texas and another group of 27 is in Puerto Rico. May the Lord gain the fresh consecration in all the students through the blending with the saints in those localities. Also pray that the eyes of the heart of all the students, especially the new ones, be enlightened to see the goal of His salvation which is to build up the Body of Christ. Ask the Lord for every student to freshly enjoy and experience the Lord and be filled with the Spirit. May the Lord be the protection, provision, and pleasure to all the saints in these trips.


Dick’s report last week Wednesday from Ethiopia: Greet all the brothers and thank them for their prayers. The Lord’s move here is awesome. Much grace to you all. Jesus is Lord! The earth is the Lord’s.

Dick Taylor and James Lee are in Ethiopia until Wednesday. Then they fly to Ghana. This weekend, March 29 to 31, Dick and Tim Knoppe (from Michigan) are in Nigeria for a conference while James Lee and Paul Nii-Aryee (who migrated from USA to Ghana last year) are in Ghana for a conference.

Dick and Tim return to Ghana Lord’s Day evening. Monday and Tuesday, April 1-2, there is a time of fellowship with responsible brothers in Ghana. After that Dick returns home.

South Africa

FTT Pretoria continues. Please beseech the Lord for a rich supply to the local and visiting brothers in their spiritual and practical care for this new training.

Summer Training Registration

Registration has begun. The training in Anaheim is July 1 to 6; donation is $155; registration deadline is Tuesday, April 23. Video training schedules will be announced in each hall; donation is $80.


The annual spring International Blending Conference will be in London March 29 to 31.


There will be a week of gospelizing in Bangladesh March 30 through April 5.

United Arab Emirates

There will be a gospel weekend blending in Abu Dhabi this Friday and Saturday.


  1. Morning revival: week 1 of Crystallization of Daniel and Zechariah (winter training).
    Hold on to your copy of Prayer and the Lord’s Move. We might use it again at a later date.
  2. May 2 to 12 there will be a Spanish-speaking tour of Israel with participation in the annual spring conference. Details are at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.
  3. The Memorial Day conference will be May 24 to 27 in Atlanta, Georgia. There will be child care for K through 6th grade. Details are at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer. Please register in your district the children and the number of adults and young people attending by Lord’s Day, April 28.