The New Jerusalem
We can all live out and work out the New Jerusalem in our daily living by enjoying the Triune God. The Father’s divine nature is the base for our living and working. We are partakers of this divine nature (2 Peter 1:4) and the best way to partake is to love Him with our first love from the first moment of each day and to give Him the first place in all things.
New FTTA Facility
In order to increase the facilities available to FTTA, in August it will move from Ball Road to the LSM campus. Please pray for wisdom to those overseeing and participating in the work, for timely delivery of materials, and for sufficient skilled workers that the project may be completed on time. More information about this move is available in four languages at
Donations for the FTTA move may be given to the church, designated for “FTTA Training Center.”
FTTA-XB Gospel Trip to Europe
From May 6 to 19, 27 saints from the FTTA Extension in Boston (FTTA-XB) are in Europe to blend with the FTTL trainees and go with them to various places in Europe. The trip also includes participation in the church life in London, in a one week training in London, and a radio listener’ seminar.
Please pray that the coming of the trainees from Boston will be a blessing to the churches in Europe and that the Lord will use this gospel trip to impart a vision and burden that will cause a number of the FTTA-XB trainees to consecrate themselves to the Lord for His move in Europe.
Los Angeles to London
Michael and Becky Stewart served in Los Angeles from 1998 to 2007 and in Long Beach from 2007 until now. This summer they will move to Europe. Ask the Lord to supply them in every way for this move and to find a home for them in London that is best for family life, church life, and full-time service.
Bibles for America
BfA is offering a new book: A Life Full of Forbearance but without Anxiety, by Witness Lee. In it, Witness Lee pinpoints the source of anxiety—Satan—and its cure—living Christ as forbearance. Please pray that:
- news of this free offer would reach the spiritually hungry people beset with anxiety in this country;
- people would order this book and prayerfully receive its words of ministry;
- many would enjoy this taste and be led to enjoy the complete Life-study of the Bible.
The annual spring conference is May 15 to 17.
Saturday, May 17 there will be a two-session seminar and lunch on The Book of Revelation as the Conclusion of God’s Economy, Christ’s Redemption, The Church’s Testimony, and Satan’s Destiny. Pray that many seeking Christians, radio listeners, and New Testament recipients will come to this seminar and receive a vision.
- Morning revival: REPEAT week 24 of Genesis. Next week we will begin The Intrinsic Significance of the Church (February 2014 International Chinese-Speaking Conference).
- Summer Training Registration: We would like to collect all the final training registrations by Lord’s Day, June 1st. A seat in the Anaheim training is now $205. A seat in video is $80 for any of the six video training sessions: Hall 1 in Korean, Hall 2 in English, Korean, and Spanish, Hall 4 in English, Hall 5 in English.
- The West Coast College Trainings are July 7 to 13. Information is at