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Memorial Day Conference

The conference will be Friday night, May 24 through Monday noon, May 27. Pray for the Lord’s wisdom to all who are preparing. Pray also for the word of the Lord to run (the divine riches in the word to be released) and to be glorified (the divine riches expressed in the believers’ living) (2 Thes. 3:1 and note).


Please pray that the Lord dynamically baptize into Himself the twenty-two 6th graders in the Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Inglewood, and Culver City area. Pray that these 6th graders would be baptized in one Spirit into one Body and would be given to drink one Spirit. And pray that they would have a strong beginning in the day by day, house to house church life and be vitally related with companions. The baptisms will be at 6:00 pm on Saturday, May 18, at Hall 2. All 6th graders should come to Hall 2 by 5:30 pm; since we will have a love feast after the baptisms, we ask those attending to bring food.

Raising Up the Next Generation

Psalm 127:3-5a says, “Behold, children are the heritage of Jehovah, The fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a mighty man, So are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man Who fills his quiver with them.”

We invite all the parents and those who serve with the children in the church in Los Angeles to join us for a special fellowship. This is an important and strategic time to help us advance in our care for the children. The details are as follows:

Topic: Raising up the Next Generation for the Lord’s Move
Time: Saturday, June 8, 9:30 am – 1:30 pm
Location: Hall 4 (854 West Adams, L.A. 90007)
Registration: Register by June 1 at http://bit.ly/childrensfellowship
Food: Bring your lunch or sign up for a sandwich ($5/person).
Childcare: We are attempting to organize childcare for children ages 4 and up

Please pray for the next generation to be raised up in and for the Lord and His purpose!

College Training

The west coast college training will be July 8 to 14. The midwest and east coast trainings will be July 15 to 21. The subject of each will be “The Lord’s Coming,” focusing on the truth concerning the second coming of Christ and what our attitude should be in light of His soon return. Over the past fifteen years, hundreds who participated in the training received extensive and lasting spiritual benefits. Our experience has been that the most benefit was reaped by the high school seniors. Please ask the Lord to clearly lead many to attend this summer.

BfA in Boston

BfA is burdened to provide a greater opportunity for people in the Boston area to order the Recovery Version. In coordination with Boston-area churches, BfA will conduct an eight-week ad campaign. A variety of simple ads will appear on heavily-trafficked subway platforms and subway cars in the Boston area beginning on Monday, May 13, potentially reaching over 400,000 people per day.

Please pray that:

  • the Lord would continue to work in the hearts of the people of Boston at this time.
  • many would see the ads and order the New Testament Recovery Version.
  • the people of Boston would find Christ as their strength, hope, comfort, and love through the Word.
  • local saints rise up to speak in coordination with these ads.

Fargo, North Dakota

A family is migrating from Anaheim to Fargo. They have an apartment 5 blocks from North Dakota State University. Their report along with an invitation to a June 14 to 16 gospel time and conference is at http://wemigrate.org/update/fargo-update-and-blending-conference-announcement.


  1. This is the third week of four one-week trainings in London on The Four Great Pillars in the Lord’s Recovery: Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel. Many attending these trainings are new to the recovery. May the Lord grant each one a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the full knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (Eph. 1:17).
  2. Since last summer, six graduates of the FTTA extension in Boston have migrated to Europe. Brief testimonies from each are in a two page report at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer. There is a second report here about Recovery Version distribution and other activities in Europe.
  3. A 4 minute video about construction of the meeting hall in Kiev, Ukraine is at http://youtu.be/pSKL4044hjc.


The annual conference in Milan will be May 18 to 19.


The Lord has been moving here, especially in recent months, to gather His seekers. The free literature from Rhema and the availability of a good number of titles by Watchman Nee and Witness Lee have brought believers from various places to visit the meetings in Budapest. Ten saints attend meetings regularly and another 14 have come to at least one meeting and expressed an interest in coming again or are attending meetings with some degree of regularity. Of these, 7 regular attendees and 8 newer saints reside in the immediate Budapest area. The others travel as much as one hour to reach Budapest.

Please pray for strengthening in these areas:

  1. translation and interpretation for the written ministry and the speaking in the meetings,
  2. couples, households consecrated to Christ and the church, to help facilitate the everyday church life,
  3. brothers who have the capability, capacity, energy, and burden to take the lead to establish the Lord’s testimony.

Georgia and Armenia

Bill Lawson and Rob Dewey are in Georgia midweek to fellowship with the churches there. They go to Armenia for the national conference May 17 to 19.


  1. Morning revival: week 7 of Crystallization of Daniel and Zechariah.
  2. Summer Training registration: late registration for Anaheim is possible but there is a $50 late fee in addition to the $155 donation. Video training registration is still open; donation is $80.
  3. We received an invitation to a conference in St. George’s, Grenada. The conference is June 14 to 16; registration deadline is May 31. Details are at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.