Memorial Day Conference
The Memorial Day Conference is in Philadelphia from Friday evening, May 23 through Monday noon, May 26. “Pray concerning us, that the word of the Lord may run and be glorified” (2 Thes. 3:1).
Sixth Grade Baptism
On Lord’s Day, May 18, we had eight sixth graders get baptized followed by a love feast. Many saints were present from halls 1, 2, 4, and 5 including friends and family members who don’t normally meet with the churches. Please pray the Lord would establish each sixth grader in the faith and in the church life. Also pray for the Lord’s strengthening of each household of the sixth graders that the family unit would be preserved from this age and a factor for the Lord’s return.
“Believe on the Lord Jesus, and you shall be saved, you and your household.” (Acts 16:31)
College Training
The West Coast College Trainings are July 7-13 in California. Information is at As the deadline of June 1 approaches to register, please pray that:
- The college students and high school seniors would pray about giving this time to the Lord and consecrate their summer to the Lord.
- The Lord would grant students time off of work, school, or other obligations to go.
- The Lord would work out finances for those who desire to go.
David and Elda Chang both served at UCLA then later at USC. In summer 2012 they migrated to Albania (Elda is a native of Albania, saved while a student at UCLA). They are meeting in Tirana, the capital of Albania, with her parents and a few other saints. Pray for the Lord to strengthen His testimony there.
Lisbon, Portugal
Please continue to pray that the Lord will gain the seeking ones from the December Recovery Version distribution in Lisbon (capital and largest city in Portugal) and will raise up a testimony in that important European city.
- Morning revival: Week 1 of The Intrinsic Significance of the Church (February 2014 International Chinese-Speaking Conference). Prophesying Lord’s Day, May 25 may be from this morning revival and from webcasts of the Memorial Day conference, or the prophesying time may be used to watch a webcast. We will repeat week 1 the following week for prophesying June 1.
- The Summer School of Truth in Los Angeles will be July 18 through 26.
- Summer Training Registration: We would like to collect all the final training registrations by Lord’s Day, June 1st. A seat in the Anaheim training is now $205. A seat in video is $80 for any of the six video training sessions: Hall 1 in Korean, Hall 2 in English, Korean, and Spanish, Hall 4 in English, Hall 5 in English.
- Donations for the FTTA relocation/enlargement may be given to the church, designated for “FTTA Training Center.” Details are in the Information section of