Increase in L.A.
Ask the Lord to release much prayer and to strengthen the gospel atmosphere so that it is full of life, love, and fruit-bearing (John 15:17 & note). Lord, through us reach relatives, students, friends, neighborhoods, and work places, and recover dormant and backslidden saints so that there are at least 1000 meeting with the church before the end of 2013.
United States
“I exhort therefore, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings be made on behalf of all men; on behalf of kings and all who are in high position, that we may lead a quiet and tranquil life in all godliness and gravity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of our Savior God, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth.”
Let us pray for “all who are in high position” so that God’s economy may advance further.
Raising Up the Next Generation
Please pray that all the parents, all who serve with children, and many others enter into this vision and burden. This “entering” is through ongoing prayer and fellowship. Details about the June 8 time are in the announcements below.
Summer School of Truth in Los Angeles
Please also pray for our SSoT in the Church in L.A. from July 19 to 28. We will be covering the topic of The Bible and look very much to the Lord for His blessing. More details will be forthcoming but pray for a healthy increase in participation from the young people and parents.
- Continue to support in prayer the first term of training in Pretoria, South Africa. Pray for the trainees apprehension of the deeper truths, their growth in the divine life, and their contacts at the University of Pretoria, which is walking distance from our training center. Colley Joseph from Oklahoma remains at the training this week; next week Simpson Chen from Taipei will be there.
- The Lord is moving strongly in Ethiopia yet only one person is serving full time there. There are many churches in multiple nations in West Africa yet only two people are serving full time there. Lord, raise up and develop local full timers.
German-Language Conference
The annual spring conference for saints in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria will be May 31 to June 2. The subject will be Prayer and the Lord’s Move, from the Thanksgiving conference.
A group of 50 to 60 new ones who have been enjoying the German New Testament Recovery Version will come for the second time. Among them are pastors and free group leaders who are hungry for the truth. Please pray for:
- Much unveiling concerning God’s economy and His move on the earth and concerning the significance of prayer and the prayer ministry of the church;
- The blending of all the saints into one Body;
- The raising up of the Lord’s testimony in Frankfurt, Germany;
• The adding of these seekers to the church life for the Lord’s testimony in many other cities.
- Morning revival: week 9 of Crystallization of Daniel and Zechariah.
- Summer Training registration: late registration for Anaheim is possible but there is a $50 late fee in addition to the $155 donation. Video training registration is still open; donation is $80.
- Raising Up the Next Generation We invite all the parents and those who serve with the children in the church in Los Angeles to join us for a special fellowship. This is an important and strategic time to help us advance in our care for the children. The details are as follows:
- Saturday, June 8, 9:30 am – 1:30 pm at Hall 4 (854 West Adams, L.A. 90007)
- Registration: Register by June 1 at
- Food: Bring your lunch or sign up for a sandwich ($5/person).
- Childcare: We are attempting to organize childcare for children ages 4 and up
- There will be international young people’s conferences in Brazil(July 18 to 22) and Poland (July 28 to August 3). To find out more information for prayer or possible attendance, go to or You can also visit to watch a short video from recent conferences in Brazil and Poland.