Church in Los Angeles
There will be a joint meeting of the church in Los Angeles Lord’s Day, May 11, 10 am at Los Angeles Trade-Technical College (near USC). Let us pray that the Lord release everyone to attend, supply transportation and release enjoyment in the cars, and stir everyone to participate in the reality of one Spirit and one Body.
A map is posted at
FTTA-XB Gospel Trip to Europe
From May 6 to 19, 27 saints from the FTTA Extension in Boston (FTTA-XB) will travel to London to blend with the FTTL trainees and go with them to various places in Europe. They will also participate in the church life in London, the one week training (see below), and the upcoming radio seminar.
Please pray that the coming of the trainees from Boston will be a blessing to the churches in Europe and that the Lord will use this gospel trip to impart a vision and burden that will cause a number of the FTTA-XB trainees to consecrate themselves to the Lord for His move in Europe.
There will be a conference in Rome, Italy May 10 to 11. Please pray for:
- the gathering and blending of the saints from different localities and countries;
- the release and impact of the Lord’s up-to-date word;
- the advance of the Lord’s move in Italy and all of Europe.
One-Week Trainings in London
A series of four one-week trainings will be held in London with saints and seeking ones attending from localities throughout Europe. Please pray that the attendees will be perfected in the divine truths, in their daily life with the Lord, in practicing the God-ordained way, in participating in the spread of the divine truths throughout Europe, in becoming fruit-bearing branches in the vine, and in developing their organic functions for the building up of the organic Body of Christ.
The first week, May 5 to 10 and the last week, May 26 to 31, are full. There is space for more to register for May 12 to 17 and May 19 to 24.
- Morning revival: week 24 of Genesis. We will repeat week 24 the week of May 12 to 17 and prophesy from it May 18.
- There will be a joint meeting of the church in Los Angeles Lord’s Day, May 11, 10 am at Los Angeles Trade-Technical College (near USC). Free parking is available in the large parking structure on Olive St between Washington Blvd and 21st St. After parking, walk west across Grand St onto the campus. The meeting will take place in the North Tent, close to the intersection of Grand Ave and 21st St. There are also plenty of metered parking spots available on Grand Ave for no charge on Lord’s day.
- Summer Training Registration: We would like to collect all the final training registrations by Lord’s Day, June 1st. A seat in the Anaheim training is now $205. A seat in video is $80 for any of the six video training sessions: Hall 1 in Korean, Hall 2 in English and Spanish, Hall 4 in English, Hall 5 in English.
- Donations for the FTTA relocation/enlargement may be given to the church, designated for “FTTA Training Center.” Details are in the Information section of