Increase in L.A.
Lord, enlarge Your testimony. Cause more of us to testify in our personal universes and release more of Your riches to more people for their salvation.
Sixth Grade Conference Report
We had a wonderful time with the sixth graders at the conference. The burden of the conference was for their salvation. There were about 150 present—sixth graders and a few seventh graders. They are from Southern California along with a few from Phoenix. All received the Lord on Saturday! All attending from Los Angeles did well and all desire to be baptized.
Summer School of Truth Training
We are very burdened to equip and perfect our next generation in the basic truths. For this, we will conduct a one-day Teacher’s Training for the practice of the summer school of the truth with three sessions. It will be a time for us to be refreshed in our vision and burden, review our current practice, and learn from one another.
We would urge several categories of saints to participate: 1) the serving ones, college students, and working ones who are caring for young people in the localities, 2) the parents of any 6th grade, junior high, or high school young person, and 3) any of the saints in the churches who have a burden for our young people to become living members of the Body of Christ. All these categories of saints are needed to bring the young people into the rich experience of the Summer School of the Truth. We encourage all who have been serving for a long time, as well as those who have just begun to serve, to come.
This training will be held on Saturday, May 11, 9 AM to 3 PM in the church in Fullerton meeting hall.
Summer School of Truth in Los Angeles
Please also pray for our SSOT in the Church in LA from July 19 to 28. We will be covering the topic of The Bible and look very much to the Lord for His blessing. More details will be forthcoming but pray for a healthy increase in participation from the young people and parents.
The saints and trainees in Boston continue to go out to sing and to speak with people. Lord’s Day afternoon about 25 went to Copley Square (where the bombs exploded). The bombs were a statement by Satan that he is unhappy with what is happening in Boston, but the earth is the Lord’s! The people were receptive and the saints had good interactions with them and distributed some BfA New Testaments.
This week Tuesday a group will go to Boston University (one BU student was killed by the bombs) to sing and contact people.
Continue to pray:
- that people in Boston remain hungry and receptive
- that more local saints rise up for the gospel both in daily life and in the on-going weekend outings
- for the BfA ad campaign starting soon on the subway trains (details next week)
South Africa
Continue to support in prayer the first term of training in Africa. Pray for the trainees apprehension of the deeper truths, their growth in the divine life, and their contacts at the University of Pretoria, which is walking distance from our training center.
Roger Good from Anaheim arrived at the training in Pretoria last week. He is there all of this week and next.
Central Asia
Last week Bill Lawson went from South Africa to Ukraine for a conference this past weekend. He is now at the training center in Moscow, then will go to Kyrgyzstan for a weekend conference May 10-12.
Rob Dewey from Fullerton will meet Bill in Azerbaijan for May 12 to 14 to seek time with believers who have had a little contact with the recovery. Ask the Lord to prepare the soil for future church life there.
Bill and Rob go to Georgia for fellowship with the churches there May 15 to 16, then go to Armenia for a national conference May 17 to 19. Bill returns home May 20; Rob and another brother return from Armenia May 23. Pray for much grace to them and through them in every place, and pray also that the indwelling Spirit “give life to their mortal bodies” every day (Rom. 8:11).
This is the second week of four one-week trainings in London. Attendance the first week filled the capacity of the training.
The subject of each week is The Four Great Pillars in the Lord’s Recovery: Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel. Many attending these trainings are new to the recovery, including seeking ones from the campuses, radio, and literature distributions. May the Lord grant each one a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the full knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (Eph. 1:17).
We [in Athens] have weekly times of fellowship with a brother in Thessaloniki. This brother is very soft and has a very high regard for the ministry. We plan on visiting Thessaloniki on 13 May. At this time we would again like to gather some key seeking ones there, including this brother, for fellowship in the ministry. May the Lord raise up a vital group of seeking ones meeting regularly in this city.
A brief report about Greece and about visiting seeking saints in Sofia, Bulgaria, is at
A testimony from David and Elda Chang is at They will start a pre-school in September (see and are looking for one sister with pre-school experience and a burden for Europe.
- Morning revival: week 6 of Crystallization of Daniel and Zechariah.
- Summer Training registration: late registration for Anaheim is possible but there is a $50 late fee in addition to the $155 donation. Video training registration is still open; donation is $80.
- We received an invitation to a conference in St. George’s, Grenada. The conference is June 14 to 16; registration deadline is May 31. Details are at