Vessels unto Honor, Sanctified, Useful to the Master, Prepared
“If therefore anyone cleanses himself from these [vessels unto dishonor, in prior verses], he will be a vessel unto honor, sanctified, useful to the master, prepared unto every good work.” (2 Tim. 2:21 with footnote 2)
The children’s work is an important work for the raising up of our next generation. For this to be a prevailing work, we need a proper realization and a proper preparation. Saturday, November 9, there was a children’s work perfecting time for the Southern California churches. The subject was, “Compiling Children’s Lessons that Build up a Proper Humanity and Lead the Children into a Proper Enjoyment.” The following is a summary of message one; the other two messages will be summarized in coming weeks.
Our realization of the children’s work is that we don’t have the flavor of a school, but we are helping them to be vessels unto honor, useful to the Master, prepared unto every good work (2 Tim. 2:21), with a view that in the future they would become men of God (2 Tim 3:17). If we regard the children’s work as a school and teach from books, it will be of more harm than benefit because it gives the children premature knowledge and makes them dull of hearing.
For this work we need a proper preparation. This preparation comes from having proper lessons which help serving ones cultivate the children in their humanity so that they would be proper human beings. These lessons are entirely from a children’s perspective and help them (with demonstrations and illustrations from their human living) to know how to honor their parents, love others, and know the proper elements of human morality, humility, patience, and kindness. May the Lord continue to bless our labor among the children in Los Angeles to raise up many Timothy’s among us who are fostered under the loving care of parents and serving ones who labor with a long term view that one day these ones would be useful to the Master.
College Conference
This coming weekend, November 22-24 about 145 saints including just over 100 students from Los Angeles and Santa Barbara (UCLA, CSUN, USC, UCSB, SMC, and others) will attend the college conference at Big Bear. The topic of the conference is “The Life and Work of an Age Turner,” based on the story of Noah. Please pray that:
- All who have signed up would come, prepared, wide open to the Lord to receive His speaking.
- All who come would have the veils removed to see a vision of God’s need to have man’s cooperation to change the age.
- All would give themselves not just to see or touch the ark but to enter into the ark, the church life, and to remain there, not just in body but in their hearts.
- The enemy with all of his frustrations would be bound because he knows the strategic importance of this topic.
The Philippines
The typhoon in the Philippines caused much destruction and much loss of life. About 250 families (plus more in areas where there is no communication) in the recovery have lost food and lost some or all of their housing. Brothers in other parts of the Philippines are delivering food to churches they can reach.
Let us pray for:
- effective work by the government and relief agencies;
- the coworkers, elders, and saints in all the affected areas to gain discernment to act wisely and decisively under the leading of the mingled spirit;
- a rich supply to the saints laboring to deliver food and help in other ways;
- the Lord’s care for all the suffering ones, both within and outside the churches, and His turning of this disaster into an opportunity for spreading of the gospel of the kingdom.
Monetary donations may be given to the church in Los Angeles or to Lord’s Move to Europe (see In either case, mark the donation for “Philippines Relief.”
Thanksgiving Conference
The conference is Thursday, November 28 through Lord’s Day, December 1. Please pray for the Lord’s wisdom and supply to all who are preparing for this conference.
Bibles for America
This is the last week of BfA’s three-week distribution tour from Philadelphia through Maryland, Washington DC, Virginia, to North and South Carolina. Please continue to pray that:
- The Lord would brood over this part of the country and prepare many hungry ones to receive the Word and the ministry.
- The traveling saints would remain safe and be strengthened into their inner man throughout this trip.
European University Students Conference
The Autumn University Students Conference is this weekend, November 22 to 24, in London. This conference is for students across Europe. The subject is The Full Ministry of Christ in the Third Stage of Intensification — The Producing of the Overcomers.
- Pray for the National Blending Conference at Lahore November 23 to 24.
- Pray for the translation and proofreading of the Crystallization-Study of Genesis.
Pray for the gospel move in the southeastern region from November 17 to 23.
- Morning revival: week 12 of Crystallization-Study of Genesis. After Genesis, we will repeat Prayer and the Lord’s Move, which we used in February and March. Please find your book or order a new one.
- Gifts marked for Philippines Relief may be given to the church or to Lord’s Move to Europe.
- The Thanksgiving Conference will be in Illinois from Thursday, November 28 through Lord’s Day, December 1. We invite all the churches and individuals to participate. There will be translation into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Details are at
- There will be a conference in Hawaii January 24 to 26. Details are at