International Thanksgiving Conference
The subject is, The Vision and Experience of Christ in His Resurrection and Ascension. Please pray that the Lord’s living word be released to uplift our vision of Christ, with a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the full knowledge of Him. Pray also that His word would operate in us to bring forth much experience of Christ in His resurrection and ascension.
Bible Distribution in Los Angeles
Last Saturday the Spanish-speaking saints in hall 1 were at the Mercado Del Pueblo. We had a very blessed time doing the Bible distribution. We gave out 40 Bibles and some other literature; 38 of the 40 recipients left their information for a follow up. Lord Jesus, thank you for the blessings during this time. We give you all these people that took their Bible. We ask you to open their eyes so they can see more when they open their Bible. Grant us to have the proper care for all the seeking ones.
Bibles for America
During the first two weeks of BfA’s tour in the Southeast, we were at college campuses in Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, South Carolina, and Florida, to distribute free Bibles and Christian books. We gave away over 650 copies of the New Testament Recovery Version and at least as many copies of Basic Elements of the Christian Life, The Economy of God, The Normal Christian Life, and other books from our free Christian Books Collection.
The distribution teams have been encouraged by people’s warm reception and by their uplifting conversations with students, university personnel, and others who stop by the tables.
Please pray for the many people who came into contact with the saints during the first two weeks of this tour. Pray that they would open the books they received and that the Word spoken to them would grow and bear fruit.
The last of this fall’s one-week trainings in London begins November 24 on the general subject of “The Four Great Pillars in the Lord’s Recovery: Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel.” Attendees will include saints in the churches throughout Europe and also seeking ones contacted through the spread of the ministry publications and the campus work. Please pray for the perfecting of the saints and the gaining of the seeking ones for the Lord’s recovery in Europe.
A series of seminars on “Changing Death into Life” is being held at four venues in London on each of the five Lord’s Days in November. The goal is that the Lord would increase the church in London by capturing some for His recovery, and that at least one new district would be raised up (District 12) in the borough of Walthamstow in Northeast London.
In Walthamstow 32 new ones attended the second seminar, 14 for second time. Please pray for the new ones to come back for the remaining seminars and for the continued sweet coordination among the saints in shepherding them. Pray that many of the contacts will desire further home visitations and meetings.
- Morning revival: week 36 of Crystallization-Study of Genesis. We will repeat week 36 next week, then begin on December 8 the fall 2014 ITERO, The Vision, Practice, and Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ.
- The winter training will be December 22 to 27 in Anaheim. Some video trainings in L.A. will begin December 22, some later. Donation is $205 for Anaheim, $80 for video.