“You Then Pray in This Way:
Our Father who is in the heavens, Your name be sanctified; Your kingdom come; Your will be done, as in heaven, so also on earth.” (Matt. 6:9-10) Prayer is the believers’ act of working together with God to accomplish His will. (Prayer and the Lord’s Move, week 1, II.B)
Thanksgiving Conference
The conference is Thursday, November 28 through Lord’s Day, December 1. Please ask the Lord to bless the conference with His speaking and with a full response from all who attend or watch videos. Also ask the Lord to release many to attend this conference.
Children’s Work
The following is a summary of message two from the November 9 children’s meeting perfecting time for Southern California churches. The subject was, “Compiling Children’s Lessons that Build up a Proper Humanity and Lead the Children into a Proper Enjoyment.”
Every class, every student is different and we need fresh leading each time. We seek the Lord’s leading; we cannot depend solely on a printed page. We pick examples from the children’s daily living, such as cleaning their room or their relation to their teachers. End with a verse. Realize you don’t have to use the whole verse. Follow up with them the next week to see if they practiced what they heard. As they grow up, we slowly go from teaching them about God, God’s creation, and what proper humanity is to the fall of man, and to bringing them to Christ as life. On this last point, we speak about Christ not as a mere story but in a practical way based on their failures and desires.
Bibles for America
BfA’s three-week distribution tour from Philadelphia to South Carolina concluded last week. They distributed New Testaments and Basic Elements of the Christian Life. About 2000 NTs were given out on college campuses and in communities. The saints met many seeking people in each state, including some interested in further contact. Some recipients already called BfA to request other free books. Please pray that the Lord would continue to operate in each recipient through the Bible and books they received.
Paris, France
In September and October a Bible distribution was carried out in front of the Sorbonne and Nanterre Universities. The distribution was under the Lord’s blessing. The Lord brought some seeking ones, and some of these are now being contacted. Also, a number of new ones are being added to the church in Paris. Please pray that:
- the Lord will gain more French students from the Sorbonne and Nanterre;
- all the new ones will grow normally and be added to the church for the building up of the Body;
- the FTT London trainees from France will be perfected by the Lord to serve in France.
One-Week Trainings in Europe
This is the last week of this year’s four one-week trainings at Bower House in London. The overall theme is The Four Great Pillars in the Lord’s Recovery: Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel. Please pray that the saints will be perfected in the divine truths, in their daily life before the Lord, in practicing the vital groups, in participating in the spread of the divine truths throughout Europe, in becoming fruit-bearing branches in the vine, and in developing their organic functions for the building of the churches.
- Morning revival: week 1 of Prayer and the Lord’s Move.
- Gifts marked for Philippines Relief may be given to the church or to Lord’s Move to Europe.