Our Father who is in the heavens, Your name be sanctified; Your kingdom come; Your will be done, as in heaven, so also on earth.
Matthew 6:9-10
The significance of prayer is to contact God in our spirit and to inhale God, absorb God, be mingled with God, and be filled with God. God moves on earth when our will agrees with His will and we pray in union with Him (John 15:7), requesting that He accomplish His will on earth. When we empty our hearts of our desires and echo His heart’s desire, He will accomplish His work. (Thanksgiving conf., msg 1)
Southern California Spanish-Speaking Conference
The conference will be January 18 to 20 in Anaheim. These days are for the seeking of the Lord’s blessing through fellowship on His up-to date speaking and present burden. The messages will be given in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish and the meetings are open to all the saints. On the Lord’s Day, we will conclude the conference with an overflow and blending time in the nearby churches. At the same time, we will have a Young People’s Conference and meetings for the children. The invitation (in English y en español) is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.
From Los Angeles to Albania
David and Elda Chang and their two small children left Los Angeles in the summer. Here is their first report from Albania.
We arrived in Albania November 12. We are currently staying with Elda’s parents in the center of Tirana (the capital). In early December we are planning to move to a house 2 blocks from Elda’s parents place which will provide for the needs of the family and a place to meet. We are full of peace and joy, looking forward to see what the Lord would do next.
We contacted the Balla family who touched the church life in the 1990’s. They have 2 high school age children. We enjoyed a simple meal together and each other’s spirit; see a photo at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.
For your prayer:
- Blending and building with the Balla family, especially a time where we can meet regularly to pray and enjoy the Lord.
- More household salvation for Elda’s family (native Albanians). Elda has at least 10 cousins in their 20’s and 30’s that live in the area.
- The gospel would go out full of power through the ministry of the age. Continue to pray for the Albanian translation work and the Albanian language Rhema website.
Praise the Lord. We thank the Lord for His immense grace for the training for Elders and Responsible Ones held in Nigeria, November 2 to 4. Sixty-three saints from 11 localities within Nigeria and 3 saints from Cameroon attended this training. We enjoyed the re-speaking of “The Unique Work in The Lord’s Recovery”. We enjoyed the spirit of all the saints who attended. We thank the Lord for His unique work. Please pray that:
- The Lord would strengthen the practical oneness of all the saints in Nigeria.
- The Lord would provide a definite, practical way for Bibles, hymnals, and ministry material to be brought into Nigeria in regular intervals for the feeding of the saints and contacting of people.
We had a gospel time in Chennai, India November 3 to 11. The first two days was gospel training, followed by propagation in six places. 55 saints participated in the propagation. During these 9 days 45 were saved and baptized. We got more than 100 contacts, mostly Hindus.
On the final day we had a blending with the new ones; nearly 25 new ones participated. Six shared their testimony. Through this gospel move most of the saints were revived and vitalized and built together. Now we are continuously preaching the gospel and shepherding the new ones.
- Morning revival: week 1 of Taking the Lead as Elders and Responsible Ones (the spring 2012 ITERO). Taking the Lead applies to all of us by focusing on Loving the Lord; Experiencing and Ministering Life; Prophesying for Building Up; Prayer; and Knowing, Living, and Working in the Body.
- Training registrations:
- the due date for Winter Training video registration is Lord’s Day, December 2nd. Seats for both simulcast (halls 1, 4, 5) and delayed (hall 2) are available for $80. Register in your hall.
- if someone wants to register for the live training in Anaheim, it is $205 (including LSM’s late fee). Contact Mike Kruidhof directly to register: cell phone 714-240-4251 or email mike.kruidhof@gmail.com.